My Stuff
Day in the High Desert
La Pine
United States
We left Bend this morning and stopped in
La Pine
to see Heaven, Makalah, and Aden. Their grandmother did not tell them we were coming, so they were so surprised when they saw us driving up! It was great. They were very happy to see us. We spent a few hours at a lake with them.
Ben Likes the Water
Benjamin played in the water a little bit (he was so cute in his little swim trunks!) and Kevin swam for a while with Aden, diving for rocks and playing on a floating log. Makalah wasn't allowed to swim because she had a cold, so she stayed on shore hanging out with me and taking some pictures with the camera. Heaven found a baby toad, which was neat (I had never seen a frog like it).
Heaven's Toad
The lake was beautiful - looked like very clean water, and not too cold. Wendy (grandmother) says there are over 150 of them in the area, some only accessible by hike. We said our goodbyes, and headed out. While trying to find our way out of the BLM lands, the GPS kept telling us to turn this way and that when there were no roads to turn on - very confusing, but we managed. There were mountains of lava rock which was neat. I got out to take a picture and there were a ton of these moths swarming around. We got Subway and found a campground at Williamson River (aka Mosquito Haven!) Mosquitos were eating us up, but we had already paid for the site when we learned of them (lesson learned). We set up camp and walked to the river - only to be swarmed by 100 X as many mosquitos. Kevin carried some wood back to the site to start a fire (we heard that mosquitos don't like smoke). We were still getting bitten, but it seemed to help some. The night was cold and the ground was hard, but we managed to get some rest anyway. It was Benjamin's first night camping and he did great - he really enjoyed it despite the bugs.
written by
on June 28, 2009
La Pine
United States
from the travel blog:
To Costa Rica
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Swimming in the Lake
We have been doing great over the past few months, and I have written some memorable things down to share with you. We are loving our time over here, but miss you all so much! Enjoy......:)
Lac Leman: Now that summer is here, we are having so much fun! The weather is incredible, and there is so much to do. So far we’ve been swimming in Lac Leman (local name for Lake
) quite a few times. It is very refreshing. I love swimming in lakes – it’s the clean feeling and the smell that reminds me of swimming at Lake Winnipesaukee when I was a kid. Just need the water shoes – I HATE feeling the bottom, squishy or hard, and not knowing what it is I am stepping on. Caden does VERY well at the lake – just walks right in like it’s nothing.
We put arm floaters on him and he splashes and tries to swim. He has fun driving his monster trucks in the sand and filling and dumping water from an old water bottle. The most fun was when Caden and I packed a picnic and picked Kevin up at work during lunch. Down to the lake we went for a quick swim and a bite…and then KK went back to work about an hour and a half later. It was a great afternoon, and so easy to do!! We really are fortunate to live here and to be able to do such simple but fantastic things!
written by
on August 9, 2009
from the travel blog:
Swimming in the Lake
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