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Swimming in the Lake

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Swimming in the Lake

Nyon, Switzerland

We have been doing great over the past few months, and I have written some memorable things down to share with you. We are loving our time over here, but miss you all so much! Enjoy......:)
Lac Leman: Now that summer is here, we are having so much fun! The weather is incredible, and there is so much to do. So far we’ve been swimming in Lac Leman (local name for Lake Geneva) quite a few times. It is very refreshing. I love swimming in lakes – it’s the clean feeling and the smell that reminds me of swimming at Lake Winnipesaukee when I was a kid. Just need the water shoes – I HATE feeling the bottom, squishy or hard, and not knowing what it is I am stepping on. Caden does VERY well at the lake – just walks right in like it’s nothing.
We put arm floaters on him and he splashes and tries to swim. He has fun driving his monster trucks in the sand and filling and dumping water from an old water bottle. The most fun was when Caden and I packed a picnic and picked Kevin up at work during lunch. Down to the lake we went for a quick swim and a bite…and then KK went back to work about an hour and a half later. It was a great afternoon, and so easy to do!! We really are fortunate to live here and to be able to do such simple but fantastic things!

permalink written by  careyskyer on August 9, 2009 from Nyon, Switzerland
from the travel blog: Swimming in the Lake
tagged Swimming and Nyon

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