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Wedding Music

Cape Town, South Africa

Just another quick entry for those attending the wedding. We're struggling to come up with music for the DJ to play, so, to help us out, we are asking for everyone to send us up to 5 requests: favourite tunes for dancing if that's what you plan to do; or just for sitting and listening to while you get sloshed, otherwise.

Of course we reserve the right to pick and choose etc etc :-)

The sooner the response the better. The DJ needs time to download them after all! -- and the "broadband" isn't up to much here.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on December 23, 2008 from Cape Town, South Africa
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
tagged Music and Wedding

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Getting a Sense of the Twee

Great Missenden, United Kingdom

As my last post mentioned, on Saturday, Vanessa and I ventured into Great Missenden to attend The Chilterns Show, a kind of county fair...with English country flair.

The morning was gorgeous, as I showed you by photograph on Saturday, and it continued to be as we got to the car park. Walking in, we discovered that, sadly, the horse show was cancelled because the person in charge was feeling sick. They implored us - do we know anyone who could help in 2010? V and I both wondered...couldn't they maybe try to find someone to help, oh, I don't know...in 2009? So it could actually occur this year? But hey, we're not in charge.

We started off at the Pets tent, taking the rare opportunity to stroke an owl's feathers - something I've never, ever done before. They're so incredibly soft and light! What a treat. :) The old man holding the owl would've taken four quid from us to have our photo taken with the owl, but V rightly pointed out that they're really pricing themselves out of the market that way - having the photos at 1 or even 2 pounds would draw people in, quite a few, really...but at 4 pounds, it's just a ripoff.

Next, we did a bit of shopping, looking around at jewelry (that's "jewellery" here!) and wishing it was less expensive, then heading on to the woodworking tents. After that, we were hungry (when aren't we) so we ventured over to the food tent - shown here with the double entendre-filled "Pheasant Plucker's Song" sign at the entrance. Too funny.

We both got pork pies for lunch, as I'm told this is quintessential English country fair food. It was delicious and very filling...I really liked the crust, and the fact that it was portable! Ha ha! Here I am trying my first bite. :)

While we ate, we listened to the RAF Halton Pipe and Drum corps perform, and it was just fantastic. Wow! I feel like I am sometimes, but I know I'm not alone in loving the sound of the bagpipe...and it's truly taken to a higher plane when those tones are mixed with a drum beat.

The "coming events" for the day said that the Highland Games were being performed by some strongmen at an upcoming hour, so V and I sat down by the arena to watch the show. And we laughed and laughed and laughed some more.

Not only did the contestants (all TWO of them, including the first black man I've ever seen in my life wearing a kilt, and a man suspiciously named Spencer "Highland") have to set up their equipment on the field, the sign proclaiming the event STONES OF DENSITY kept falling over in the breeze. Somehow, this became the funniest thing in the world to Vanessa and me, and we giggled quite a bit at the sight on the field.

We watched the Stones of Density, the Dead Lift, and the Caber Toss - which Spencer Highland had never done before, and had to be told over the loudspeaker by the Scottish announcer that he "wasn't holding it the right way round". Oh my goodness. Hilarious!

Oddly enough, he ended up winning that event, as well as the games themselves. I say he has an unfair advantage, having that name! LOL.

After we'd had enough Highland Games laughter, we stopped over at the obviously American store...which wasn't quite so American at all. Unless you count nearly ONLY items relating to Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, and Betty Boop to be the whole of Americana...oh, and trucking! Can't forget good ol' truckin'! Hmmm. Also included on the table, as you can see, were some not-just-vaguely British items. I call shenanigans on this booth!

Too soon, we'd finished the entire fair (though I have to admit, it was quite small), and were ready to leave for Vanessa's parents'. On the way out, she took my photo with this truck's stickered-on proclamation - which is so true! "If it isn't fair, it isn't fun."

And boy, was it ever fun!

permalink written by  Mary Rose on July 18, 2009 from Great Missenden, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: UK 2009
tagged Food, Music, Funny, Countryfair, OddSights, Twee and QuintessentialEngland

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Calvary Chapel Youth Room, Spokane, WA - 5/5/10

Spokane, United States

Back to back with Port Angeles, this show OFF THE HOOK! We had some AMAZING pizza which was cooked FRESH in the brick oven just for the youth and bands! We had a blast, and the fans were GREAT!!! There was a great team of people helping out and sponsoring the event.

The group ahead of us were just a great group of dudes called The Avenue. They came PACKING some sweet equipment and instruments.

We were thrilled to play inside again after the previous show in Port Angeles in the cold. I'm sure the van was happy to get a nice little break from the 7 hour drive we endured to get to Spokane!

They had a SWEET green room that allowed us ample space to relax, pray, and enjoy some great snacks. Steve even munched on some peanut m&m's (my favorite) which totally could have gotten him in trouble (he's on weight watchers!). So I took a pic as photographic evidence!

Overall, it was a great show and we were honored to rock some faces and they seemed to be happy to have us!

permalink written by  Jake Jones on May 5, 2010 from Spokane, United States
from the travel blog: We As Human Tour/Show Blog, Spring 2010
tagged Music, We, Spokane, WA, Band, Chapel, Washington, As, Human, Calvary and Show

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2 more days

Round Lake, United States

So I finally watched District 9 last night. Looks like I'll have to make a trip to the grocery store for some cat food before leaving.

I've been listening to South African "kwaito" music over the past few days in an attempt to find something good to listen to while we'll be driving down there. It's, well....different. It's somewhat like a combination of rap with African drum beats in the background. It's also not in English, so it makes it a bit difficult to sing along. No matter. There's also a style called "Afrikaans", but I really wasn't able to find anything I like there. I imagine we'll listen to the radio a bit and find some songs that we all like just like the last World Cup in Germany.

Less than 48 hours until the first match begins....unreal.

permalink written by  nucappy on June 9, 2010 from Round Lake, United States
from the travel blog: London and South Africa - World Cup 2010!
tagged Music, Prawns and PreTrip

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All Around the World

Honolulu, United States

The trip beings. Our plane leaves LAX at 9:45 but Barbara doesn't arrive until minutes before take-off. We arrive safely in Honolulu where we are met by Norm, Barbara's mother's boyfriend. He takes to the condominium where we are staying -- its called the Governor Cleghorn and, while not particularly nice, it is within two blocks of Waikiki Beach. So, after dropping off our bags, we head for the Beach for an hour.

Waikiki is a real trip -- thin, tanned bodies checking out all the other thin, tanned bodies. Definitely not my kind of place. Anyway, after an hour or so, we went back to the condo, showered and changed, and walked to the Waikiki Shell.

It was opening night for the season and Uncle Martin had a table reserved right up front. The evening started with wine and hobnobbing with the creme de la creme of Honolulu society. Then came a wonderful catered dinner, Hollywood Bowl style. The music was "big band" by the Del Courtney Orchestra. It was quite enjoyable -- a nice way to start the trip (although I might have drunk a bit too much wine). Uncle Martin drove us home and we made arrangements for dinner the following evening.

permalink written by  skrillac on January 24, 2017 from Honolulu, United States
from the travel blog: All Around the World
tagged Music and Travel

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