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Morgens aufgestanden ging es von der Hosteltür zur Innenstadt. Unsere Ruckäcke ließen wir natürlich im Hostel und mit nur einer Kamera ausgerüstet fingen wir kunterbunte Eindrücke.

permalink written by  Chrizzy on July 16, 2014 from Zagreb, Croatia
from the travel blog: Kroatien in 7 Tagen (per Anhalter)

Days 1 and 2

So, we were all set at the airport, boarding passes at the ready, until the rains came. Lots of it. pouring rain. The net result was that our flight to Frankfort was delayed by four hours. Which of course meant no hope for making our connection to Zagreb. (It did, however, allow me to...

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on July 29, 2013 from Zagreb, Croatia
from the travel blog: Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia Herzegovina (2013)



permalink written by  alvaro84 on June 3, 2009 from Zagreb, Croatia
from the travel blog: Alvarito por Europa 2009

1910 District Conference

permalink written by  GSE7190-1910 on May 21, 2008 from Zagreb, Croatia
from the travel blog: D7190 GSE to GSE 1910

District Conference

permalink written by  Dr_Kim on May 21, 2008 from Zagreb, Croatia
from the travel blog: Dr_Kim's Travel Blog

Anthony Korculanic - Croatia

Anthony Korculanic www.anthonykorculanic.com

permalink written by  Anthony Korculanic on January 15, 2007 from Zagreb, Croatia
from the travel blog: Croatia

Departing Zagreb


permalink written by  bAlKi on November 9, 2006 from Zagreb, Croatia
from the travel blog: Ulcinj

pavlova pavlova where have you been?

A biographical note: I vaguely recall being impossibly gifted at most things and extremely popular at school. Here's a map of places I have been or

permalink written by  pavlan on October 20, 2006 from Zagreb, Croatia
from the travel blog: travels of the mind to Boksic Lug

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