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Das Trampen beginnt

Am 13.8.2013 machte ich mich mit Saki, meiner früheren japanischen Reisegefährtin, die ich in Australien kennenlernte auf den Weg. Am Südring in Düsseldorf hielten wir also unsere Daumen und lustigen Schilder hoch bis nach ca. einer Stunde endlich jemand anhielt und uns mitnahm. Voller...

permalink written by  Chrizzy on August 13, 2013 from Nurnberg, Germany
from the travel blog: Europa: Deutschöstungita per Anhalter

Nurnberg, Germany

Stayed at Oscar Hotel. Very wide selection on the menu.

permalink written by  tomkane on September 23, 2009 from Nurnberg, Germany
from the travel blog: 2009 Trans-Siberian

26 Nov / Potsdam to Schwangau

Another stop was in Nurnberg for their Christkindle Market to get some of their famous Nuremberg Lebkuchen and a good look at the Imperial Castle or Fortress set atop a hill which offers a very good view of the area below! The buildings leaves me in awe, just imagining the amount of work...

permalink written by  jorgn_craw on November 26, 2008 from Nurnberg, Germany
from the travel blog: Euro Trip 2008

Hey there

Hey there, do you like travelling as much as I do? Then you should find some interesting stories here and maybe one day you're gonna visit my favourite places, too.

permalink written by  funomatic on February 14, 2008 from Nurnberg, Germany
from the travel blog: Trip to Hamburg

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