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Last full day in Hong Kong (hopefully)

It was never our intention to stay very long in Hong Kong. We're coming back here on the way out of China after our second entry (assuming we can get the visa, but more about that later), so I reasoned that if we liked it more than I expected we can just stay longer the second time. Hong Kong...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on January 20, 2009 from Kowloon, Hong Kong
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

The trouble with blogging...

Every night since we've arrived here I've intended to write a blog entry, but by the time all the photos have uploaded an hour and a half have passed and that is more than long enough to be spending on a computer while you are travelling. It's happened again now. And I can't be bothered...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on January 19, 2009 from Kowloon, Hong Kong
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

Not enough Chuffing money!!!

Bought a new camera, got my 1month Chinese visa (triple the amount of previous 3 month visa) and paid 12 pounds a night for a corridor! Had to stay an extra 2 days because of, guess what, the national holidays!!! Had a nice time at the space museum and national art gallery though....

permalink written by  Dan on October 1, 2008 from Kowloon, Hong Kong
from the travel blog: Been there, Dan that!

Hong Kong

We finally arrived in the huge airport in Hong Kong at 07:35 am on the Friday morning. It was so humid when we got off the plane and all we wanted to do was sleep! We were met at the airport by the tour guide and then made our way to the South Pacific Hotel. Helen and I shared a room and we...

permalink written by  Susie Sue on November 3, 2005 from Kowloon, Hong Kong
from the travel blog: Hong Kong

Day 19

A pretty nothing morning spent just hanging about Kowloon, window shopping, real shopping, etc.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on August 19, 1987 from Kowloon, Hong Kong
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)

Day 18

Another day in Hong Kong. First I went to the wireless office and called dad and steph -- we talked for about 15-20 minutes, then I dropped off my first six rolls of film. From there I took the subway (very clean, fast and clear) to Wong Tai Sin Temple. Fairly new, but good architecture and...

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on August 18, 1987 from Kowloon, Hong Kong
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)

August 18 (continued)

Back in Kowloon, I picked up my photos (no indoor pictures came out though -- I later discovered that my ISO had accidentally slipped from 100 ASA to 1,000! I hope that was the problem and therefore is now fixed. Also I exposed my first Beijing roll -- no Forbidden Palace). I picked up my...

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on August 18, 1987 from Kowloon, Hong Kong
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)

Day 17

I awoke around 6:30 - 7:00, thinking we'd be docking any minute. Well, we were near Hong King -- near Aberdeen, but we had to wait outside the shipping lanes for a while (during which they served breakfast) and then we "docked" in the middle of the Harbor, i.e. we dropped anchor and a ferry and...

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on August 17, 1987 from Kowloon, Hong Kong
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)

Days 15 & 16

Not really coming to you from Hong Kong, but rather the ship, on the way to Hong Kong. After trading CITS horror stories (of which I had non but then again I wasn't on the budget plan), there's not much else to do but read, sleep, play cards and eat (and write in this journal). Quite...

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on August 16, 1987 from Kowloon, Hong Kong
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)

Day 6

Up early, our first stop was to CTS and CAAC making travel arrangements to China. The process was simple but it did seem to take an awfully long time -- we weren't done until noon. Then, a fair amount of time was spent in a camera shop while Barbara replaced the one she left at home. We then...

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on August 6, 1987 from Kowloon, Hong Kong
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)

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