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Jaisalmer...& camel trekking!

I think Jaisalmer is most famous for it's fort & Desserts....so those were the top of our things to do. Unfortunately we had a horrible start to our journey as on the overnight bus that we caught into the city from Udaipur Dan lost his shorts (they myteriously went 'missing' from the bus)...

permalink written by  mich_and_dan_moors on April 23, 2011 from Jaisalmer, India
from the travel blog: mich_and_dan_moors's Travel Blog

En las Puertas del Desierto

Jaisalmer es la ciudad dorada. Construida con piedra arenisca, adopta ese color cuando el sol incide sobre ella. Jaisalmer también es nuestra última parada en la India, pero lo más destacable,… es que también es el último destino de este viaje. Aquí pasamos los últimos días antes de...

permalink written by  Paso a Paso on December 5, 2010 from Jaisalmer, India
from the travel blog: PASO A PASO

Desserts and the Desert

The bus to Jaisalmer was far better than the last one. We managed to avoid another display of my digestive pyrotechnics thanks to a chair seat, rather than a sleeper compartment. When the bus arrived we were met at the stop before ours by a man from the hotel we were booked into. He told us...

permalink written by  Capto on January 10, 2010 from Jaisalmer, India
from the travel blog: Two months in Limbo

Saddle Sore

Hmm, don't think I'll be investing in a camel when I come back to London, they're not the most comfortable mode of transport. My backside hasn't been this sore since I left public school. My Swiss co-rider Stephanie and I were driven out into the desert by jeep where we met our trusty steeds...

permalink written by  phileasdogg on September 19, 2008 from Jaisalmer, India
from the travel blog: Planes, Trains & Taxiwallahs

Another fort

This one of the Jaisalmer variety, as viewed from my hotel.

permalink written by  phileasdogg on September 19, 2008 from Jaisalmer, India
from the travel blog: Planes, Trains & Taxiwallahs

Rules & Regulations

Note to self - must stop misusing drinking water.

permalink written by  phileasdogg on September 19, 2008 from Jaisalmer, India
from the travel blog: Planes, Trains & Taxiwallahs

Scaffolding, Indian-stylee

Sooner you than me buddy...

permalink written by  phileasdogg on September 19, 2008 from Jaisalmer, India
from the travel blog: Planes, Trains & Taxiwallahs

Camel Happy

Ah, peace at last. All my previous stops have had populations of at least 800,000, and within 24 hours you feel like you've been approached by every one of them. Jaisalmer only has 58,000 and they were all waiting at the bus stand when I arrived, so once I'd got through that melee, it got a...

permalink written by  phileasdogg on September 16, 2008 from Jaisalmer, India
from the travel blog: Planes, Trains & Taxiwallahs


Jaisalmer, the "Golden City", is located on the westernmost frontier of India in the state of Rajasthan. Close to the border with Pakistan, the city is known for its proximity to the Thar Desert. Desert Safari in the sand dunes of Jaisalmer is an unforgettable experience. The city is...

permalink written by  garisti on September 1, 2008 from Jaisalmer, India
from the travel blog: Viaje por Asia

Shanti Shanti!

Namaste! Shanti shanti! Well! our next destination here in India,Jaisalmer...Is pretty cool! It is very arabic influenced with a nearby desert, a huge fort made out of golden sandstone and camels walking around.... It is a very nice little town, easy to walk around and with loads of old...

permalink written by  agnesola on March 1, 2008 from Jaisalmer, India
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...

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