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El Bromo

“El Bromo no os lo podéis perder” nos dijeron. Y esa frase da miedo porque las recomendaciones siempre pueden frustrar las expectativas que uno, mentalmente, se genera de un lugar, sino que les pregunten a Mònica y Javi de MundoCroqueta.com, compañeros de viaje, que les pasó cuando llegaron a...

permalink written by  Paso a Paso on September 12, 2010 from Probolinggo, Indonesia
from the travel blog: PASO A PASO

Smoking volcanoes

We left Ubud and headed to Denpasar to catch a bus that would take us from Bali to Java. As we boarded the bus, the TV was playing Indonesian Karaoke, we had visions of people getting up and singing for the next 10 hours, much to our relief, the TV was switched off as the bus pulled away. Most...

permalink written by  Tim and Em on April 25, 2010 from Probolinggo, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Round half the world!

Clouds Over Bromo!

After Yogyakarta we took an 11-hour ride to a small mountain village near Mount Bromo, a ride we can only confirm as usually South-East Asian! A driver picked us up in the morning and we wondered if there would be any further passengers - anyone to join us - nope! So we endured a journey east...

permalink written by  Lenameets50 on January 7, 2010 from Probolinggo, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Indonesia & Malaysia et al 2010

Another volcano

An early morning climb up Mount Bromo, followed by a long bus journey to Bali.

permalink written by  vicks4 on May 11, 2007 from Probolinggo, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths

Mount Bromo

The next morning I climbed into another minivan for the first leg of my trip through Java back to Bali. The other passengers were a French couple, a French Canadian, and a short fat hairy middle-aged Frenchman, who did actually smell, and wore incredibly short shorts. Of course, I ended up...

permalink written by  olliejohnson on October 12, 2006 from Probolinggo, Indonesia
from the travel blog: A man from Cockshutt.

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