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Richtung Milford Sound

Heute morgen war der Regen vorbei und nur noch ein paar Wolken sind geblieben. Von Kingston aus sind wir nach Te Anau gefahren. Dort haben wir kurz gehalten, um die Buchungen für die nächsten Tage sowie Einkäufe zu erledigen und den Tank zu füllen, bevor wir uns auf den Weg Richtung...

permalink written by   on October 22, 2013 from Milford Sound, New Zealand
from the travel blog: HmM Neuseeland 2013


We set out for another 5ish hour drive to one of the prime destinations on our list, Milford Sound. The southwest if New Zealand's South Island is known as Fiordland, as it is filled with numerous glacial valleys that extend to the sea. Perhaps the most impressive is Milford (also the most...

permalink written by  bhkann on December 16, 2012 from Milford Sound, New Zealand
from the travel blog: New Zealand, 2012

Return to Milford

Reluctantly left the safety and warmth of Hollyford and went to visit an old swing bridge over-looking a pretty River before going back to Milford due to the sun finally deciding to make an appearance! So we had the chance to see Milford with clear skies and snow on...

permalink written by  chrischarly on January 16, 2012 from Milford Sound, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly Down Under

Milford Sound, seals and flippin' dolphins!

This morning despite the weather took the amazing scenic drive to Milford Sound. It is just a shame that after such fantastic weather over Christmas; the day we decide to go here it pours down. But determined we would enjoy it whatever the weather we went anyway armed with our new...

permalink written by  chrischarly on January 14, 2012 from Milford Sound, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly Down Under

Beauty beyond words

We spent the day cruising through Dusky, Doubtful and Milford Sounds on our way to Hobart, Tasmania. These fjords have mountains with cliffs, some covered with snow, that fall straight into the water. This part of New Zealand is totally uninhabited and inaccessible by car. As we leave New...

permalink written by  rcodel on February 15, 2011 from Milford Sound, New Zealand
from the travel blog: World Cruise - 2011

Milford Sound

Tue.15th At sea.We went around the tip of the South Island to Dusky Fjord,Doubtful Fjord and Milford Sound.In 1986 UNESCO bestowed World Heritage status on this region. We saw Sheer cliffs,snow capped peaks in the distance and a Waterfall at each end of the Sound.Sightseeing boats ply the...

permalink written by  edoyle on February 15, 2011 from Milford Sound, New Zealand
from the travel blog: World Cruise

Queenstown ungleich Milford Sound

Nach Wanaka (das bessere Queenstown) fuhren wir nach Queenstown, eine touristische und teure Partystadt. Dort probierten wir den beruechtigen Fergburger fuer schlappe 13.50 $. Im Basehostel verbrachten wir die Nacht und am naechsten Tag fuhren wir uber Te Anau nach Milford Sound um den Fjord zu...

permalink written by  Chrizzy on January 27, 2011 from Milford Sound, New Zealand
from the travel blog: From Japan to Austria Island

Te Anau / Milford Sound

After a stopover in Te Anau, where I'm so exhausted I mainly sleep on the very comfy bed at Rosies Homestay (although I did visit the bird wildlife centre, which the DOC manage - there are keas and parakeets and other birds, in a clearing on the site of the lovely lake, which was interesting....

permalink written by  LizIsHere on March 9, 2010 from Milford Sound, New Zealand
from the travel blog: New Zealand & Australia 2010

at sea

Entered Milford sound this morning. By the time we were up and dressed, it had become very rainy. Pictues are taken through windows or out side durning rain. By the time I got back to the cabin my pand were wet to the knees, just from being on deck to take pictures.

permalink written by  hallanniem on December 12, 2009 from Milford Sound, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Great Australian Fun Filled Expedition (my GAFFE)

South Island Day 12: Milford Sound

Valentine's Day. My favourite day of the whole year to be single because I'm not obliged to shower anyone with cards and gifts and meals with hiked up prices just so I can get laid this month. Nat and Shane forgot it was Valentine's Day until later in the day when we came back into phone range...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on February 14, 2009 from Milford Sound, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Tiny Little NZ Road Trip

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