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Corn Island

When we were in Matagalpa last month at the Pioneer School, our third day of class the branch office called and asked if we could leave the class go to Corn Island, and get there before the end of the week. Corn Island is on the Carribean coast. (They dont have much corn growing there. Yes, I...

permalink written by  Shane Perry on November 23, 2009 from Corn Island, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Shane and Vanessa's Nicaraguan Adventure

Corn Island

This is a poorly written blog. I will come back and rewrite some notes to make sense of everything. but if you look at them, more or less they are in this order. Our three week stay on Corn Island, A visit to Luis and Maribel in Juigalpa, Our return to Jinotega where we ate brain and bull...

permalink written by  Shane Perry on November 16, 2009 from Corn Island, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Shane and Vanessa's Nicaraguan Adventure

Las Islas del Maíz

Llegar a las Corn Islands no fue fácil. De hecho, fue la peor experiencia de transporte que hemos tenido hasta el momento. Casi 6 horas de barco por el mar Caribe… Y pensaréis, que idílico… pues NO! Lo primero que nos dieron al subir al barco fue un chaleco salvavidas y una bolsa de...

permalink written by  Paso a Paso on July 15, 2009 from Corn Island, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: PASO A PASO

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