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Brian Azouz - Delhi, India

Brian Azouz here! Hot and sticky here. Rain coming down. Not the best transition...ran into several obstacles and bumps in the road. Finally found a place to get on the internet. Determing if I should just fly up to Kathmandu and skip India. Decisions, decisions!!

permalink written by  brianazouz on September 4, 2008 from Delhi, India
from the travel blog: Nias


Delhi (Hindi: दिल्ली, Urdu: دلّی, Punjabi: ਦਿੱਲੀ) [1] is northern India's largest city. One part of it, known as New Delhi (Hindi: नई दिल्ली Naï Dillî), is officially designated the capital of India, but the names are often used interchangeably.

permalink written by  garisti on September 1, 2008 from Delhi, India
from the travel blog: Viaje por Asia


Hola a todos, Pues despues de un "sufridero" por estos lares, volvemos a casa mañana por la mañana. Estaremos por Barcelona unos dos o tres dias para descansar y luego volveremos a emprender el vuelo aunque esta vez sera hacia las Americas! Nos vamos a Argentina! Los chismosos que nos...

permalink written by  Noemi y Carlos on August 17, 2008 from Delhi, India
from the travel blog: NUESTRO VIAJE POR ASIA Y ALGO MAS...

Huge Black Ants on Independence Day

I arrived at the crack of dawn today after four flights and more than a full day of flying. I watched more TV flying than I do at home and got a few recent movies under my belt. The meals got increasingly better as I got closer to my destination, which I took as a good sign. Just before...

permalink written by  swamihead on August 15, 2008 from Delhi, India
from the travel blog: Ladakh or Bust


Hola gente, como va por ahi??? Tantas cosas que he oido de India, la verdad no me gusta nada. Como no hemos podido irnos antes aprovecharemos para ir al Taj Mahal. a ver si esto hace que nuestra estancia en la india sea al menos aprovechable. Ya que no pudimos escapar de este pais hoy,...

permalink written by  Noemi y Carlos on August 14, 2008 from Delhi, India
from the travel blog: NUESTRO VIAJE POR ASIA Y ALGO MAS...

many MANY travels

Time moves at a different rate when you enter a truly foreign country. Or perhaps its just constant moving about. That is, its warped between making you feel like you've been here for forever and just stepped off the airplane. And we have done a lot of stepping off planes in the last 24 hours....

permalink written by  Drie on December 28, 2007 from Delhi, India
from the travel blog: Adventures in Hindustan

First thoughts of India

Things I Love about India: - The FOOD! Its's soooo good and eating out is amazingly cheap. Bananas are 3 for 1p - The bright colours the women wear - How friendly, smiley and helpful they are (especially after you speak to them in Hindi or wave anyway). They also seem to have very close...

permalink written by  H on October 17, 2007 from Delhi, India
from the travel blog: H - Seeing the world...

Leaving India, bound for Nepal

We left a very hot Amritsar on 1st September (is it September already ?) on the mid-afternoon train to Delhi, arriving in the capital late at about 10.30pm. After being greeted by the lovely touts and rickshaw riders we made our way to the Smyle Inn where we had a room booked (or so we...

permalink written by  jonnik on October 8, 2007 from Delhi, India
from the travel blog: Jon & Kenty's Grrrrrand Tour

Manali Trip


permalink written by  shri_ind on July 14, 2007 from Delhi, India
from the travel blog: Manali

The continuing story of Jareep and Gregpreet Singh...

Well here it is everyone. Central and northern India. 9 weeks. 4000 km by bus, train, elephant and camel and 5000 km by motorcycle. 4 mystery sicknesses. 15 broken parts on the motorcycle. 15 million holy cows. 330 million gods and just about as many divtas, temples, gompas, stupa and the like....

permalink written by  Jared on June 8, 2007 from Delhi, India
from the travel blog: India

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