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permalink written by  songsehaiyang on October 31, 2009 from Frankfurt am Main, Germany
from the travel blog: Tianya

Landing in Europe

We made it to Europe!

permalink written by  dboyer on June 15, 2009 from Frankfurt am Main, Germany
from the travel blog: dboyer's Travel Blog


Gleich geht's los zum Flughafen...Abflug 22:45... Die Spannung steigt... [Eintrag 02.05.09 17:10]

permalink written by  ninandi on May 2, 2009 from Frankfurt am Main, Germany
from the travel blog: ninandi's Travel Blog

Jumping in Frankfurt

"Me wants, this Euro is miiiiiiiine !!" (in front of the European Central Bank)

permalink written by  Sly on February 14, 2009 from Frankfurt am Main, Germany
from the travel blog: Jumping Around

Healthy and happy

Health is the happiest thing A healthy people will have more energy to enjoy life.

permalink written by  wks520 on December 20, 2008 from Frankfurt am Main, Germany
from the travel blog: Healthy and happy

Angelica Albudin

Angelica Albudin Angelica Albudin Angelica Albudin Angelica Albudin

permalink written by  angelicaalbudin on November 22, 2008 from Frankfurt am Main, Germany
from the travel blog: Angelica Albudin

should've been in London...

A. and I were going to go to London to se Sigur Ros, her favorite band. Unfortunately, she realized on the train to the Frankfurt airport that she didn't have her passport. UK's not Schengen, so you need a passport. Whoops. It sucked. But we had our first snow here.

permalink written by  lost_red_balloon on November 22, 2008 from Frankfurt am Main, Germany
from the travel blog: The European Union



permalink written by  sex110 on October 12, 2008 from Frankfurt am Main, Germany
from the travel blog: ●虐待派对(上)

5 points of the preparation of equipment and supplies for travel in the open

1.dress: Travel in the open the dress should be relaxed, comfortable, wearable, free for the basic principles. Even in midsummer, but also to avoid dress, and girls do not wear skirts, boys should not wear shorts. It’s mainly to consider the wild variety of insect more, you do not want to...

permalink written by  broegames on September 25, 2008 from Frankfurt am Main, Germany
from the travel blog: broegames

I Resigned

In exactly 1 month, I will take a long and really needed break. As a big fan of "The prisoner" TV serie, I feel quite like number 6 although his motivations are still unclear to me. My goal is just to stop working and stop thinking about work more than 20 hours a day, leave the big cities,...

permalink written by  thetourist on September 13, 2007 from Frankfurt am Main, Germany
from the travel blog: No news, Good news! in Peru & Argentina

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