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Summer 2009
Global Changemakers Guildford Forum 2009

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D-6: Pre-packing!

Jakarta, Indonesia

I woke up earlier this morning and went to Mayestik Market with my uncle, Oom Tisna. I went to buy some souvenirs for the other Changemakers, bought 100 batik keychains in the form of batik bags and batik hems. Mum bought me a suitcase and a few socks. I went to my auntie's, Tante Mawly, house too. She lent me a few wool sweater, a coat and jackets.

permalink written by  alandakariza on January 11, 2009 from Jakarta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Global Changemakers Guildford Forum 2009
tagged Packing and PreTrip

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A Day In Yogya

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Last night, we got here on about 11.30 PM and stayed over at Brongto Hotel. It was a cheap hotel but it was clean and neat though, so it was good. We had breakfast in the hotel at the morning. I had a fried rice but it was spicy! I don't like chilli, lol. We went to Gadjah Mada University, one of the best uni in Indonesia. We went to the engineering faculty, they told us many things about architecture.

After that, we went to Prambanan Temple. It was amazing! I've never been to temples before, even Borobudur Temple. This is a new experience for me. It was amazing to see such heritage, with that gigantic size. Indonesia is really, really wonderful. I didn’t get the chance to take in-depth looks to every parts of the temple but I’m still happy I went there. Come visit Prambanan, people! The Entrance ticket is very cheap :D I bought a pair of batik dresses for my little sisters. Echa accompanied me along the way, how kind!

permalink written by  alandakariza on July 1, 2008 from Yogyakarta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Summer 2009
tagged Yogyakarta, PrambananTemple and GadjahMadaUniversity

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Bandung For A While

Bandung, Indonesia

We departed from school on about 7 AM. I was so excited! We arrived at Padjadjaran University on 11 AM, after having a lunchbox of McDonald's for breakfast. We went there to get some insights about the pharmacy faculty. We had lunch and did the Dzuhur prayer there also. After that, we departed to Yogyakarta right away!

permalink written by  alandakariza on June 30, 2008 from Bandung, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Summer 2009
tagged Bandung and PadjadjaranUniversity

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