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Pre-Trip 5:03pm

Providence, United States

I'm sitting at home preparing my last minute travel stuff, including starting/finishing my packing! I think I am more of my mother's daughter than I realize sometimes...

Today has been filled with anticipation, a little nervousness, excitement, and errands! It's sort of hard to explain how I'm feeling right now, but it's a good feeling. Harry will be picking me up in a few hours to take me to the Amtrak Station in downtown Providence where I will catch the commuter rail to the Back Bay stop in Boston. I will be met there by my friend Jason who goes to Northeastern, spend some time hanging with him and his friends and then will call a taxi to Logan International airport around 2:30am.

My flight leaves at 5:30am (aka I probably won't be sleeping until the flight embarks) and I will arrive in Costa Rica at 10:55am on the 21st. Costa Rican time is the same as Mountain Time in the US (so it's currently 5:11pm in Providence and 3:11pm in Costa Rica).

I'm going to try to update this as much as possible while I'm there. Apparently internet cafes are very popular.

The anticipation and excitement brews...

permalink written by  seektruth2 on March 20, 2008 from Providence, United States
from the travel blog: Costa Rica 2008
tagged PreTrip

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Pre-Trip: the GPS

Plymouth, United States

Yesterday, we finally bought a GPS. We've been wanting to buy one for some time now, but they are all rather expensive. But we figured if we were going to get one though, it needed to be pretty good so it could actually help us on the trip! Mike did some research and chose this one, so we went and picked it up yesterday.

Here it is!: http://www.circuitcity.com/ccd/productDetail.do?oid=207968&om_keycode=8360
(And we had a coupon, so it was even cheaper than it is listed for)

We have a few fun voices to help us along. We have a British woman we named Chloe, and then downloaded a bunch more. There is an Australian man we named Logan, an Irish woman we named Lynette, and then we also have Borat and Slingblade (Mike's idea!). So it should be interesting!

permalink written by  prettyblueroses on July 31, 2008 from Plymouth, United States
from the travel blog: Mike & Heather's Cross-Country Adventure
tagged PreTrip and Gps

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D-6: Pre-packing!

Jakarta, Indonesia

I woke up earlier this morning and went to Mayestik Market with my uncle, Oom Tisna. I went to buy some souvenirs for the other Changemakers, bought 100 batik keychains in the form of batik bags and batik hems. Mum bought me a suitcase and a few socks. I went to my auntie's, Tante Mawly, house too. She lent me a few wool sweater, a coat and jackets.

permalink written by  alandakariza on January 11, 2009 from Jakarta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Global Changemakers Guildford Forum 2009
tagged Packing and PreTrip

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Pre Cairns Excitement

Singapore, Singapore

As the day draws nearer, we are all excited for the preparation of the trip that we've been waiting since January for.

Exams are finally over, we've worked hard for four months, now 10 days left to the Cairns, and I bet everyone going on the trip just can't wait any longer.

Hopefully, preparations will be done well for a safe trip. =)


permalink written by  cairns2009 on May 10, 2009 from Singapore, Singapore
from the travel blog: cairns2009's Travel Blog
tagged PreTrip

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T - 5 days to go!

Chicago, United States

Welcome, welcome, welcome. If you're reading this, you've for some reason decided to live vicariously through me over the next few weeks while I'm Halfway around the world. Congrats!

As a primer for those who don't know or who've forgotten what it is we plan to do over there, we will be:

- Watching the US-England match from Stamford Bridge, home to Chelsea FC (they were the best team in England this year).
- Going on a 3-day safari in Kruger Park
- Attending the Mexico-France match
- Attending the US-Slovenia match
- Touring around Pretoria and Johannesburg
- Attending the Brazil-Ivory Coast match
- Exploring the Stellenbosch wine region of Cape Town
- Seeing the Cape of Good Hope
- Rappelling down part of Table Mountain and mountain biking down the rest
- Attending the Cameroon-Netherlands match

All that takes place over 13 days.

I will do my best to post any pictures and videos that I take along the way, provided this website allows that sort of thing.

All videos will hopefully show up here: http://www.youtube.com/user/nucappy

Pictures should be able to be posted in blog posts, as seen above.

Feel free to comment away, vent your anger at your team losing, or check in to make sure I'm still alive.

Posts may occasionally be backdated due to inability to access internet, but I will still try to write up summaries in order to have a full trip log.

Still can't believe this is happening, much less only 5 days from now.

permalink written by  nucappy on June 6, 2010 from Chicago, United States
from the travel blog: London and South Africa - World Cup 2010!
tagged PreTrip, Welcome and WorldCup

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2 more days

Round Lake, United States

So I finally watched District 9 last night. Looks like I'll have to make a trip to the grocery store for some cat food before leaving.

I've been listening to South African "kwaito" music over the past few days in an attempt to find something good to listen to while we'll be driving down there. It's, well....different. It's somewhat like a combination of rap with African drum beats in the background. It's also not in English, so it makes it a bit difficult to sing along. No matter. There's also a style called "Afrikaans", but I really wasn't able to find anything I like there. I imagine we'll listen to the radio a bit and find some songs that we all like just like the last World Cup in Germany.

Less than 48 hours until the first match begins....unreal.

permalink written by  nucappy on June 9, 2010 from Round Lake, United States
from the travel blog: London and South Africa - World Cup 2010!
tagged Music, Prawns and PreTrip

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Tomorrow, it begins...

Chicago, United States

Pretty unreal.

Tomorrow this thing actually kicks off. I'll be at the bar at 8:30 to watch the first game before coming home to do any final packing/cleaning items. Finally bought my US Jersey tonight, but I'm a little disappointed that the Nike store didn't have any with players names and numbers on them. Serves me right for waiting until the last moment.

I've spent all night listening to South African music and burning some CDs for our driving time. The kickoff concert for the Cup that was on earlier today introduced me to some artists I hadn't heard of before. The internet took care of the rest. Technology is great.

Speaking of technology, I may decide to do a webcam chat on a weekend afternoon or 2. If I end up doing one, you will find it at this link: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/south-africa-20101
At least, I think this will work. I really have no idea. But we'll try it out anyway!

In the meantime, here are a few more videos from the last World Cup.

First, the Wave as seen at the Spain-Tunisia game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTivyhHetwc

And second, la piece de resistance, what the World Cup is ultimately all about - Scoring a Goal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQbfcWdY0wU

Finally, here are some more pictures from World Cup 2006:
From the France-South Korea match:

From the day of the Ghana-USA match:

From the Final....poor Zidane:

Let's get this party going!!

permalink written by  nucappy on June 10, 2010 from Chicago, United States
from the travel blog: London and South Africa - World Cup 2010!
tagged PreTrip

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