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Bangkok - 6th Dec 2008

Bangkok, Thailand

Finally started the world tour, after minutes of preparation.

Boarded my flight at Heathrow and swiftly took some 'aquired' prescription sleeping pills - and a pint of beer. The next 12 hours are a complete blur - but I can confirm that the file Wanted is as shit at 30'000 feet as it is at sea level.

When we arrived in Bangkok we went straight to our hotel - which was pretty clean. It had a pool but it was right next to a motorway and surrounded by a bill board.

We then went out around Kho San Road area - and drank way too much considering we thought it was 5am in the morning. Highlight of the night was Weaver punching a cat in the face and getting scratched even though he hasnt had his Rabies Jab. Everyone seems to offer me custom suits, and weaver ping pong shows!

Next day we did all the temples and arty cultured stuff like that, then had a few drinks.
Bangkok is full of dodgy people selling crap on the streets and they do not accept no as an answer! Some dodgy tuk-tuk driver also tried dragging us to a Silk Factory even though we wanted to go to elsewhere - as soon as he stopped we bolted!

Me and Weaver have decided to keep a count of the following:
Ladyboys(2), Thai Brides(10), and Fat People(5).

Heading to the floating market, River Kwai next.

permalink written by  bdobson on December 6, 2008 from Bangkok, Thailand
from the travel blog: Dobson's World Tour
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Do you prefer fat people or ladyboys?

permalink written by  Daniel Gustav Ashley on December 18, 2008

Interesting read, hope you enjoy your time in Thailand, keep up the blog posts!

permalink written by  Bangkok Map on December 20, 2008

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