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I have been away for a year......

Luxor, Egypt

Well, it was my one year anniversary since i left australia last week. I didnt celebrate, Perhaps i should of. Sometimes i feel there is alot to celebrate by being out of my birth country. Other times i miss it so much that i feel like running back as soon as possiable.
I have seen and done many things in this past year. I have lived and worked in Egypt, I have travelled Europe. Italy were i saw the best artworks in the world. France were I saw the best shows. London were i had the best time with old friends, and listened to the greatest live bands in the lousiest pubs in the lowest suburbs.
I have seen so many different cultures and customs, listened to the langauges of the world and walked all the back streets i could. Tryed not to miss a thing. Although i miss home.

Back at work now, and that brings its own problems. New paint on the walls, a new season of problems and excitment with sadness to follow.

permalink written by  LostSparrow on October 14, 2009 from Luxor, Egypt
from the travel blog: Freedom Without Direction
tagged Home, Italy, Australia, Work, Egypt, Miss, Sadness and Excitment

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