My Stuff
Egypt pyramid
New Yarmouth
The most famous pyramids are the Egyptian pyramids — huge structures built of brick or
, some of which are among the largest man-made constructions. Some Egyptologists, notably Mark Lehner, state that the Ancient Egyptian word for pyramid was mer.[1] The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest in Egypt and one of the largest in the world. Until
Cathedral was built in 1300 A.D., it was the tallest building in the world. The base is over 52,600 square meters in area.
It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and the only one of the seven to survive into modern times. The Ancient Egyptians capped the peaks of their pyramids with gold and covered their faces with polished white lime
, though many of the
s used for the purpose have fallen or been removed for other structures.
written by
on July 25, 2008
New Yarmouth
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We arrived in Cairo after a ten hour overnight layover in the Athens airport feeling drained and a bit wary at the thought of what we were about to get ourselves into. The first day we spent sleeping off the jet lag while puttering around the hotel and local neighbourhood.
A bit about the area were staying in; it's the Muslim neighbourhood of downtown Cairo. I am probably the only female over ten without my hair covered I've seen in this area of town. Grocery stores? Hah. English speaking shop-keepers? Hah. People who don't gawk at long blonde hair? Hah. The girls all seem to giggle when they see James's ponytail too, it's cute when they do it though. They guys are kinda creepy about it. That said though, after staying here a few days I've grown pretty comfortable with the locals. Everyone has been very kind to us, and a few have even greeted us on the streets in English.
Our first day of sightseeing we went to the Egypt Museum, the repository of Egypt's artefacts, open for a hundred and fifty or so years. The building is huge and packed with pottery, statues, sarcophagus, and papyrus manuscripts. The galleries with King Tutankhamun's treasures and the jewellery were my favourites.
James outside the Egypt Museum
James outside the Egypt Museum
Outside the Egypt Museum
The coolest part of this day though came later in the evening. The terrace of our hotel was booked for an engagement party that evening and the music started blaring before the sun went down. And when I say blaring, I mean making stuff in our room several floors from the roof rattle sorta blaring. Have I mentioned yet how much I'm digging the local music? I've always got the TV in our room turned to a music channel :). When the celebrants arrived they did en mass, the women doing that cool allllalalalalala thing in super high voices that for some reason western women seem incapable of copying. The party had been in full swing for awhile when the hotel's owner invited us to go up to the terrace and watch the festivities with another employee of the hotel who we'd chatted with a few times. The roof was packed and I felt pretty awkward being up there, but we found some seats out of the way and watched the dancing, which was a total treat. The guys were on the floor and danced soooo expressively, using their full bodies and rather sensuous movements in a way I'm more accustomed to seeing women dance. A gentleman, a relation of the couple I think, even came over and offered James and I some sodas. It was a once and a life time chance to get a glimpse at the Arabic culture. One thing I can say for sure, these people know how to party.
The next morning we were up early as we had booked a tour to go see the pyramids!! Our driver for the day collected us from the hotel and we headed out to Dahshur to see the first pyramid of the day, The Red Pyramid of Sneferu.
James and I in front of the The Red Pyramid
This is one of the few pyramids you can go into without making special arrangements so we hastily climbed our way to the entrance to be meet by a hysteria inducingly small tunnel which led into the inner chambers.
James climbing into the The Red Pyramid
Climbing into The Red Pyramid
Thighs burning, we made it down into the first chamber where we could look up at the interior structure of the pyramid.
Inside the The Red Pyramid
View of the Step Pyramid from afar
Next up we headed to Saqqarah to see the famous step Pyramid of Djoser. Unfortunately, you cant go inside Djoser, but there were some tombs in the Djoser complex that we were able to go into. Photography isnt allowed in the tombs but me being me snapped a few anyhow.
Inside the tomb of Mereruka
Me inside the tomb of Mereruka
James outside the tomb of Mereruka
Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs inside Teti's Pyramid
At one point a worker invited us to take some photos on the sly and then took us into another tomb beside the first we went into and allowed me to snap a couple good shots in their while telling us a bit about the reliefs.
James and I Inside the tomb
This would have been awesome if he didn't expect an exorbitant basheesh in return.
On our way from Saqqara to Giza our driver stopped at one of the many hand-woven carpet schools and we were given a demonstration of the three kinds of woven carpets the students learn to make before being taken to the sale room/gallery upstairs.
Giving carpet making a try at the carpet school outside Giza
James at the carpet school outside Giza
Here James and I came to the realization that were weak in the face of gorgeous material objects and not the best bargainers. We came away with a good-sized rug woven of all natural un dyed wool with a rather modern linear design. Sure we don't have a house, but we have a damn fine Egyptian hand woven rug to put in one. :P
Continuing on our way we came to our final destination for the day, the Giza plateau, home of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid.
Pyramids of Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu, and wives/childrens in front
By this point in the day our moods had taken a down turn due to the constant barrage of people expecting money. We tried to set this aside though and booked our camel ride around the pyramids.
Camel Jockey
The pyramid complex is quite large and to attempt to get all the vantage points I wanted for photographical reasons on foot would have been exhaustive. On our way out of the stables my mood started taking even more of a down turn when I saw the state of some of the animals kept in the stables not authorized by the government as ours way. Horses with saddle sores and way to many bones sticking out. The animals were in no condition to be worked but all had saddles on their backs. Making our way along the trail to the pyramids we came across the most unsettling part of the trip. In the not so far distance were the well picked over but still fleshy skeletal remains of a horse. I looked away and tried to shove it out of my mind so I could enjoy the pyramids but at this point both James and I were feeling morally filthy.
By being tourists here we were inadvertently encouraging a system where men relied on underhand and dishonest practices to weasel money out of ignorant tourists and animals were apparently underfed and overworked for the amusement of tourists and financial benefit of their owners.
We continued on our tour of the pyramids, but at this point neither of our hearts were really in it. I wanted more than anything to leave Cairo after our visit to Giza and get to India stat.
James and I in front of Khafre and Khufu's pyramids
Being silly at the Pyramids
Riding camels in front of the Giza Pyramids
Gazing up at Khafre's Pyramid
Chilling on the Pyramid of Khafre
On our way back to the hotel though we ate a nice lunch with our guide and then he stopped at a papyrus gallery so we could see how papyrus was made and look at the paintings. A really nice guy gave us a demonstration of how papyrus was made, which by the way is really easy and we plan to try it when we get home, and then explained some of the stories behind the historical and religious painting reproductions they had. We viewed the gallery for awhile and in the end selected a few for ourselves and as gifts. I wish I could take pictures of them to show you how cool they are but the paintings are all in a tube being mailed to the states as we speak. They, like the rug, will look splendid in that house we don't have hehe.
As we were checking out we got into a conversation with our salesman and the other clerks about American politics and how distorted the media's representation of Muslims and their quality of life really is. Sure Egypt isn't Iraq, but their ways of life aren't to dissimilar, though totally foreign to an American. That was one of the more rewarding moments of the day.
written by
Slade's Elucidation
on October 26, 2008
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Slade's Elucidation
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The Cairo experience - Yin side
Ok, I need to Yin Amanda's Yang of Cairo. Not that I don't totally
understand it, as we get a lot of attention and women are treated a
bit different here. The culture is far from our own and it can take a lot out
of you. That being said... I am having an awesome time here. After holing
up for a few days in the hotel after our pyramid run the energy
James and I riding camels in front of the Pyramid of Khafre
Getting our Visa's for India has been a test in patience over
that which you cannot control. Sunday (which is like Monday for us) I was
too tired and worn out to go try for our Visa's, decided to go on Monday
instead. So Monday we realised we hadn't gotten our passport size photo's
done so had to get them before we could go to the Indian consulate
office. So to town we go. The owner of the hotel personally drove us into
downtown Cairo and was a really nice gesture. Dropped us off in front of
a Kodak photo center and bid us farewell. The process of getting the
pictures was painless and cheap and we got 8 copies each. Little more
than we needed but hey you never know. It was probably around 10am and
the consulate closed by 11. We figured we wouldn't make it so blew doing
that off til Tuesday. *FYI the Indian consulate office is right around
the corner from the photo shop. who knew? :| Ok so Tuesday we head down
to the Indian consulate office and low and behold... Indian holiday and
they're closed. sigh... Oh well wont let that get us down, we can just
come back tomorrow. Which went quite well, found out we had to wait til
Sunday for the paperwork to go through and to come back then. Amanda is
ready to GTFO of Cairo at this point. I must point out she gets lots of
attention and together well it's almost 2 fold. Wears on us a bit, but
personally I get used to it in doses. So.. I'll skip the boring stuff.
It's now Sunday, Visa's should be done today and all will be golden.
I've been making lots of friends here, everyone is so friendly its hard
not to.
I can't understand everyone but it doesn't really matter. I find
using sounds, hand gestures and a smile works real well. The women who
work here in the hotel tend to talk or hand communicate with me a lot.
It's quite fun "talking" with them.
One in particular, Doaa, whose name I can never say right is pronounced something like Dew Eye but stress the eye with a hint of A. Yeah I can't do it either.
The amazing miss Doaa
Anyway she speaks a fair amount of English and is always trying to learn more. We use Google's language translator a lot to get our points across. Now she's Muslim, 20,
single and I'm not. Being as I like to flirt... lol things get
interesting. She's an amazing person and Amanda wants to put her in her
pocket and bring her home with us. In the hotel she's very open and able
to be more social with me, in public however she an Amanda hang on to
each other as we walk about and well... I hang by myself. Here the guys
hang together and hold hands and the women stick to themselves and do the
same. It is what is I reckon. No matter we have a great time. Doaa thinks
very highly of Amanda and mirrors her actions. It's very cute.
The girls out to eat
The Khan el Khalili Bazaar
She has taken us to all the places we would have never found on our own and
personally has made the last few days here perfect for me. From eating at
local restaurants up narrow stairs I wouldn't think of going up to eating
street cooked corn and riding the music party boats on the Nile.
Amanda and James at the local resteraunt
Mmm roast corn
Had some of the bestest chocolate shakes ever while enjoying a licorice shisha.
Doaa and the awesome chocolate shake
Amanda absolutely giddy over her shake and shisha
James hitting the shisha
Also toured the local park that allows you to see most of Cairo and has
really nice cafe's to relax in.
Went to the Khan El Kalili Bazaar which is the largest and I think oldest in the world, showed us how a real Egyptian handles the vendors and just has a good time with herself and us.
Being good consumer tourists at Khan el Khalili
I do wish she could be free of her religious boundaries but I respect
them and acknowledge as much as I can. She's pretty lax about them which
is good. We're really going to miss her, I feel she will be a great
addition to the circle of friends.
I must mention then entire hotel staff here at the Arabian Nights. They
go out of their way, are totally caring and very generous people. I feel
more like a friend than some tourist and that means a lot to me. My
journey to Egypt now feels accomplished and I have learned a lot from
them. BTW... These people being scary and bad is total horseshit. These
have been some of the friendliest people ever. They openly welcome us at
every turn and no where else have I ever experienced that to that magnitude. Far as
negatives.. its like any other tourist trap, in those spots it's about
money and how they're going to get it from you and that's anywhere on the
planet. Knowing that and knowing how to say no will save you a lot of
problems. I'll miss this place.
One last note. Riding around here in a taxi or any form of vehicle is
INSANE! I love it, I laugh and laugh and laugh while riding around. The
lanes on the road don't mean anything. There are no traffic cops, they
don't even drive with lights on at night. They use their horns like
they're going out of style and they're headlights are used to get ur
attention. They drive fast and sometimes against on coming traffic. Yet I
haven't seen an accident and I've been riding a lot. Tons of fun!!!
Addendum: Scored a few Shisha pipes that look awesome, Have gone wandering through a large section of the Khan bazaar and the scope of the place is mind boggling. The city has so much history it would take a very extensive amount of time to see it all. I hope I can come back someday to continue seeing it. We're off to Pondicherry India's Auroville and it will probably be a bit before we do another major blog update. Will do our best though.
written by
Slade's Elucidation
on November 4, 2008
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Slade's Elucidation
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If you are looking for a different travel destination, why not try
is a country in North Africa which borders the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, and Chad and
to the south. It is the fourth largest country in Africa which has a population of 5.7 million people.
Food is great in
. It is a blend of Arabic and Mediterranean cuisine. Couscous is a famous local dish which consists of boiled cereal used as a base for meat and potatoes. The meat is usually mutton. In some cases, chicken is also used.
has also great and fun nightlife with numerous clubs, bars, restaurants, and live music bands. The people are also adventurous and full of energy. Since
is mostly a desert country with extremely hot conditions, the best time to visit
is between November and March when daytime temperatures are normally cool.
written by
On Foot
on April 29, 2008
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On Foot
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Hi, today I was in Alexandria, Egypt. Yay!
written by
on July 6, 2009
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My Trip!
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I have been away for a year......
Well, it was my one year anniversary since i left australia last week. I didnt celebrate, Perhaps i should of. Sometimes i feel there is alot to celebrate by being out of my birth country. Other times i miss it so much that i feel like running back as soon as possiable.
I have seen and done many things in this past year. I have lived and worked in Egypt, I have travelled Europe. Italy were i saw the best artworks in the world. France were I saw the best shows. London were i had the best time with old friends, and listened to the greatest live bands in the lousiest pubs in the lowest suburbs.
I have seen so many different cultures and customs, listened to the langauges of the world and walked all the back streets i could. Tryed not to miss a thing. Although i miss home.
Back at work now, and that brings its own problems. New paint on the walls, a new season of problems and excitment with sadness to follow.
written by
on October 14, 2009
from the travel blog:
Freedom Without Direction
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my vacation nite mare in hurghada egypt
My name is Emmy. I want to say thank you for all your help in Hurghada Egypt. I was so scared and could not believe that a man will invite me to Egypt and then leave me alone in a city where I cannot communicate with anyone.
For two years I was online friends with mr Mahmoud Abouelftouh Morsey Moubarak. He was so nice friend online and I fall in love with him and decide to visit with him in Hurghada. I did not know he was going to do some bad things with me or I would never agree to meet Him.
On the first nite mr. Mahmoud brought me from airport by taxi to the apartment 43. There he took $250.00usd from me to pay for apartment and he said he would get us married papers. He Left me alone for about an hour came back with paper with both our names, address and paper of marriage. He said he would give this to owner of the building so we can be together in vacation in that flat. I felt safe and finally I meet this nice man who I fall in love with and want to marry with him in usa. That nite he make sex with me and the next day he took me to a nice outdoor cafe. He told me that he would go get us food and he would be back. I waited almost 2 hours for him to return. He never come back. I received a note from mr. Timmur and the key to the apartment flatt. I was in shock when i read this letter that he left for alexandria and his grandma died. when Mr. timmur and I arrived to the flat all of his stuff and some of my stuff was gone.
Thats when I met you mr. botros, mr timir, mr. damian, and many others who came to help me. while he was gone. When he return to me he bring his brother and say to me that his brother do not know i marry with american girl and please do not let him see us together. the nite before I leave egypt mr mahmoud make sex with me again and tell me he need money for help pay for the apartment and go back to Sohag, Egypt. When i arrived to usa I sent him 350.00usd via western union. He picked up the money and when I spoke to him he told me that he not in love with me just we friends. I told him that i will contact police in egypt for he pretend to love me for two years and when i be there just do bad things with me and now he throw me like trash. I just want you all to know the truth about me. I am born not woman but man. I live as woman with help from my doctor I am transexual. I am not bad person. I was looking for a man who will love me as woman and this man mahmoud know all this from all these years. He pretend that if I come to live with him in egypt he will give me happy life and we will have family some day in america. I now believe he is liar and just wanted money, sex, and gifts i bring from america. I am very sad and hurt right now. I love egypt people and i go to egypt now five times. I hope that you understand me and I will not want this to happen to any person from this man again. I want to say thank you for all your help and im okay i will never forget what you did and how much i love you for your help. Emmy Williams
اسمي ايمى. أنا أريد أن أقول شكرا لكم على كل ما تبذلونه من مساعدة مصر في الغردقة. كنت خائفا جدا ، ويمكن أن لا يعتقد أن الرجل سوف دعوة لي لمصر ومن ثم ترك لي وحدها في المدينة حيث لا يمكنني التواصل مع أي شخص.لمدة عامين كنت الأصدقاء عبر الإنترنت مع السيد محمود Abouelftouh Morsey مبارك. حتى انه كان صديقا لطيفة على الانترنت وأنا تقع في الحب معه ، وقرر زيارة معه في الغردقة. لم أكن أعرف انه ذاهب للقيام ببعض الأشياء السيئة معي أو أنا لن توافق ابدا على لقائه.لمدة عامين كنت الأصدقاء عبر الإنترنت مع السيد محمود Abouelftouh Morsey مبارك. حتى انه كان صديقا لطيفة على الانترنت وأنا تقع في الحب معه ، وقرر زيارة معه في الغردقة. لم أكن أعرف انه ذاهب للقيام ببعض الأشياء السيئة معي أو أنا لن توافق ابدا على لقائه.
في أول السيد نيت. محمود جلبت لي من المطار بسيارة أجرة إلى شقة 43. هناك توليه $ 250.00usd مني لدفع ثمن الشقة وقال انه سوف يحصل لنا أوراق الزواج. ثم تركني وحده لمدة ساعة تقريبا عاد ومعه ورقة مع كل من أسمائنا والتصدي له ورقة الزواج. وقال انه سيعطي لهذا المالك للمبنى بحيث يمكن أن نكون معا في عطلة في تلك الشقة. احسست بالامان وأخيرا التقيت هذا الرجل الذي كنت جميلة تقع في الحب مع ويرغبن في الزواج معه في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. أن نيت انه جعل الجنس معي في اليوم التالي ، وأخذني إلى مقهى في الهواء الطلق لطيفة. قال لي انه سوف يذهب للحصول على الطعام لنا وانه سيعود. انتظرت ما يقرب من 2 ساعات على عودته. انه تعود أبدا. تلقيت مذكرة من السيد. Timmur والمفتاح لفلات الشقة. كنت في حالة صدمة عندما قرأت هذه الرسالة لأنه غادر الاسكندرية وتوفي له الجدة. عندما ذهب السيد timmur اني وصلت الى الشقة كل ما لديه بعض الاشياء وأشيائي.الذي عندما كنت التقيت السيد. بطرس ، timir السيد ، والسيد. دميان ، والعديد من الآخرين الذين جاءوا لمساعدتي. بينما ذهب. عندما قال لي انه يعود الى جلب شقيقه ويقول لي ان شقيقه لا أعرف أنا مع الزواج من فتاة أمريكية ورجاء لا تسمح له برؤية لنا معا. ونيت قبل أن أغادر مصر محمود السيد جعل الجنس معي مرة أخرى ويقول لي انه بحاجة الى الاموال لدفع مساعدة للشقة والعودة الى سوهاج ومصر. وعندما وصلت إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ولقد بعثت له 350.00usd عن طريق ويسترن يونيون. انه التقط المال ، وعندما تحدثت معه قال لي انه ليس في حالة حب مع أننا أصدقاء لي فقط. قلت له بأنني سوف اتصل رجال الشرطة في مصر لكنه يدعي أن تحبني لمدة عامين ، وعندما يكون هناك مجرد نفعل اشياء سيئة معي الآن وانه رمى لي مثل سلة المهملات. أريد منكم جميعا ان نعرف الحقيقة عني. أنا لا يولد امرأة ولكن الرجل. أنا أعيش مع امرأة ومساعدة الطبيب من وجهة نظري أنا transexual. أنا لست شخصا سيئا. كنت أبحث عن الرجل الذي سوف تحبني كما المرأة وهذا الرجل محمود نعرف كل هذا من كل هذه السنوات. كان يتظاهر بأنه إذا جئت لتعيش معه في مصر أنه لن يعطي لي حياة سعيدة وسيكون لدينا بعض الأسرة اليوم في أميركا. أعتقد الآن هو مخبأ ، وأردت فقط المال ، والجنس ، والهدايا التي أحملها من أمريكا. أنا حزين للغاية ويصب في الوقت الحالي. أنا أحب الناس مصر وذهبت إلى مصر الآن خمس مرات. آمل أن تفهم لي وسوف لا تريد لهذا أن يحدث لأي شخص من هذا الرجل مرة أخرى. أنا أريد أن أقول شكرا لكم على كل ما تبذلونه من مساعدة وايم ط بخير لن ننسى أبدا ما فعلته وكم أحبك لمساعدتكم. ايمى ويليامز
written by
on October 21, 2009
from the travel blog:
hurghada egypt
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