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Sleeper Trains and Cruises

We boarded a sleeper train from Giza to Luxor. The Orient Express it was not. It was ok as long as you didn't need go to the toilet. We were glad for the tip of take your own toilet paper. Surprisingly we slept better than we thought we would. Once in Luxor we were taken to the boat that...

permalink written by  craigandcorrine on December 19, 2009 from Luxor, Egypt
from the travel blog: World Tour

my vacation nite mare in hurghada egypt

My name is Emmy. I want to say thank you for all your help in Hurghada Egypt. I was so scared and could not believe that a man will invite me to Egypt and then leave me alone in a city where I cannot communicate with anyone. For two years I was online friends with mr Mahmoud Abouelftouh Morsey...

permalink written by  sammy16 on October 21, 2009 from Luxor, Egypt
from the travel blog: hurghada egypt

I have been away for a year......

Well, it was my one year anniversary since i left australia last week. I didnt celebrate, Perhaps i should of. Sometimes i feel there is alot to celebrate by being out of my birth country. Other times i miss it so much that i feel like running back as soon as possiable. I have seen and done...

permalink written by  LostSparrow on October 14, 2009 from Luxor, Egypt
from the travel blog: Freedom Without Direction

Day 21

So today Ronny, Val and I LEAVE CAIRO. We arrived in Luxor around 7:00pm and so far it's been waay better than Cairo. Not much really happened today but I did lose my iPhone at the airport.... When i went through seccurity I put my wallet and stuff (like my iPhone) in the mesh pocket of my...

permalink written by  Kennyboy12 on July 8, 2009 from Luxor, Egypt
from the travel blog: 2009 - Kenny Baldridge - "No Reservations"


Für heute war Sightseeing am Westufer des Nil angesagt. Dort wo die meisten alten Tempel, Monumente und Gräber zu finden sind. Um flexibel zu sein und weil es fast eine Sache der Ehre ist, schnappte ich mir dafür mein Fahrrad. Zu Fuß wären die Distanzen zu groß. Doch noch bevor ich überhaupt...

permalink written by  derAaron on May 11, 2009 from Luxor, Egypt
from the travel blog: Oasentour Western Egypt

Bummeln in Luxor

Der Tag begann mit dem Hotelfrühstück, das sogar richtig gut ist. Mit Cornflakes, Milch und einem Eierkuchen. Als erstes ließ ich mir einen internationalen Studentenausweis anfertigen. Der ist teuer als alle 3 Übernachtungen in meinem Hotel zusammen, halbiert aber die Eintrittspreise für die...

permalink written by  derAaron on May 10, 2009 from Luxor, Egypt
from the travel blog: Oasentour Western Egypt

Am falschen Ende gespart

Im Hotel sortierte ich mein Gepäck so um, dass ich alle Wertsachen in meinem Ruckssack habe und Einzelteil wie Helm und Lenkertasche einen Platz in einer der anderen Taschen fanden. Das war wichtig für die Busfahrt, da ich ja weit entfernt von meinen Taschen sitzen würde. Halb 11...

permalink written by  derAaron on May 9, 2009 from Luxor, Egypt
from the travel blog: Oasentour Western Egypt

Gehen wie ein Ägypter

Hallo zusammen, Ich bin unterdessen im Süden von Ägypten in Luxor und dachte ich will euch endlich mal schreiben wie es mir so geht und was ich erlebt habe. Von Zürich war ich ja mit dem Zug über Wien, Budapest, Belgrad und Sofia nach Istanbul gefahren, wo ich dann, da die entsprechende...

permalink written by  travellight on March 8, 2009 from Luxor, Egypt
from the travel blog: Asien 2009


Dubai was awesome and I bought some lovely gold jewellery but I am certainly over bargaining and shopping in bazaars. Egypt is wonderful - I am learning arabic every chance I get - i love the language and know just enough phrases to be understood - if not then I get out my trusty pencil and...

permalink written by  wendybudd on May 6, 2007 from Luxor, Egypt
from the travel blog: Wendy's African Adventure

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