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Tampa, United States

Crystal River

permalink written by  gisel on July 9, 2009 from Tampa, United States
from the travel blog: adventures
tagged Water, Fish, Pictures, CrystalRiver and Scuba

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TLG VI Or, it's the pictures that count

Qiaotou, China

It gets windy. Water drops occassionally from the sky. We press ever downward.

Tina's is bland but has nice views from the restaurant. It's hard not to have nice views in this gorge so that's not saying much. We're REALLY tired. Maybe Corey not so much as he is half my age - if I shave a few years off mine. [Youngins!] Eat & crash. What was suppose to be only a mildly challenging day has turned into a near disaster.

But I've got great pictures!

permalink written by  prrrrl on March 8, 2012 from Qiaotou, China
from the travel blog: Yunnan, China
tagged Rain, Pictures, Wind, Disaster, Tired and Views

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In no particular order... Today's events

Beijing, China

Why do we take pictures? To remember an event? To document atrocities? To sustain awe of beauty? Why did the fluent English-speaking Chinese gentleman clandestinely take mine after helping me decipher which subway stop would bring me close to the wholesale tea market? Surely with his language skills he had talked to foreigners before. If only he had silenced his smart phone I would have never known.

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 25, 2013 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013
tagged Tea, Pictures, Photo, English, Documentation and Clandestine

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