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Day 1b

Laguna Beach, United States

Ahh, the landmark boobs. I've saw these things many times while commuting to San Diego with my ex and her daughter. Tijuana brought back plenty memories, the good times mostly. I'm not an astological kind of guy, but it was a house of three scorpios. Just sayin... Lot's of drama, basically a tar baby.
Wet toes, soaked cuffs. As I write this in a Starbucks ($4 for wifi, dejected pirate "Arrr") my cuffs are cold and wet. I do not fear for my ankles to getting the flu, but should probably change them away.
Laguna Beach. There were dozens of wake boarders. 12 year olds to a couple mid thirties scruffy guys in lazy goatee and all watching the waves with perfect relaxed zen lasers beaming fiercly from their 6th chakras. I wandered through the wave beach interface up past a few clusters of photographers and shiny white families all dressed in white. Walked up to a rocky area with tide pools and didn't trust my feet to the sharp and slippery. The people are familar, not as individuals but the spread of the phenome. I fear I shall always ache for the true multiculture stew of the megalopolis London. The guy sitting next to me at the starbucks has a russian accent and that makes me happy.
Crystal Cove and the sun is setting. 2 hours and two blog posts in the previously mentioned bucks of stars. Upper class and white, I gotta keep going. Going to head up to Mom, Step Dad, Sisters in Altadina tonight. More friends tomorrow and then outta this crazy place. I am not looking forward to the thick rush hour craptastic traffic.

permalink written by  kleer001 on November 16, 2008 from Laguna Beach, United States
from the travel blog: Tijuana to Vancouver
tagged Water, White, SoCal, LagunaBeach, Boobs and UpperClass

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Drive Thru Yosemite

Yosemite National Park, California, United States

The night was cold, but thanks to the extra sleeping bag we bought, we stayed warm. We packed up camp and headed up into Yosemite. Wow - it was so beautiful! I really wanted to stay and experience more of it. We got out in the "High Sierra" and let Ben climb around on some of The Boulders sticking out of the ground. He decided to take a nap when we returned to the truck, so we drove through the rest. I did get out to take pictures at "Olmsted Point". Wow, what a view! The "High Sierra" was my favorite part, though the "Valley" was supposed to be quite beautiful as well and we did not get to see it. Hopefully we will get to return some day.

The brakes were over heating (we were going thousands of Miles down hill pretty quickly) so we stopped outside of Yosemite to let them cool, and decided to explore the area. We found a nice peaceful spot on the river and relaxed and played there for an hour and a half. It was a lot of fun! The river was beautiful - a lot of colorful rocks made up the river bed. I was trying to find the prettiest ones for Ben to play with. I took him out into the water and let him touch the water - he really liked that. We all got a lot wetter than we planned, but it sure felt good!

We stopped in Oakland and played in the park with Ben for a couple hours. He needed some time out of the car.Then we made our way to San Fransisco (Ben thankfully took another nap), but Kevin was nervous when we got there because the GPS was still not working. But he turned it on to look at the maps and it surprisingly got a signal! It helped us find our way, though it lost the signal a couple times and then we got lost for a bit.. but we eventually found a hotel, ordered some thai, and got some rest. Looking forward to getting out of this crazy city!

permalink written by  heddwyn on July 1, 2009 from Yosemite National Park, California, United States
from the travel blog: To Costa Rica
tagged Park, Water, River, Yosemite, SanFransisco and Brakes

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Tampa, United States

Crystal River

permalink written by  gisel on July 9, 2009 from Tampa, United States
from the travel blog: adventures
tagged Water, Fish, Pictures, CrystalRiver and Scuba

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Iguazu Falls

Foz do Iguacu, Brazil

Arriving at Puerto Iguazzu I was slightly devastated to see that it was grey and miserable outside. We were only going to be around for two days so we just had to hope it would clear up quickly, in the meantime we headed into town for our final Argentinean dinner – a mixed grill which arrived sizzling and answered any questions about what they do with the rest of the cow.

The night was wild and stormy and the next morning we set out feeling glad that at least the rain had relented. The Iguazu Falls (which I will spell like that despite all the different spellings I saw – Iguacu, Iguassu, etc) are surrounded by a network of metal walkways and when you enter from the Argentinean side there is also a little train to take you to the furthest points. It feels a lot like a theme park which could very easily be depressing but actually the train does save a lot of time and the walkways allow people of all shapes and sizes to get right up to the edge of the waterfalls without risking their lives or getting into a boat.

If getting into a boat does take your fancy there are also a range of additional tours – we couldn’t resist being taken under the waterfalls. It was a spectacular and hilarious ride, the huge waterfalls loomed over us and the roaring of the water grew louder and louder until it was thudding onto the boat and then us. I believe I would have wet myself had the waterfall not been doing such a good job- we were all completely hysterical by the end.

We squelched along pathways afterwards feeling utterly immune to the sprays of the waterfalls and not at all troubled by the presence of dark, heavy clouds in the sky. Although the bad weather prevented us from seeing the falls in all their outrageously photogenic glory, the contrast of the dark, moody sky and the white clouds of mist rising from the waterfalls created stunning and atmospheric views and I couldn’t wait to see the Brazilian side the next day.

We wasted no time when we got back to the hostel. After a much needed hot shower and change of clothes we got in a taxi and, with the help of a friendly and alarmingly bug-eyed taxi driver, headed across the border. Foz de Iguazu, the town on the Brazilian side, was to be the penultimate stop on our world tour. We now had only nine days left.

The Iguazu experience in Brazil was very different. It was a bit less like a theme park, more like a National Park, and the visitors didn’t have the same sense of excitement. They day before we had literally seen grown men screaming and running for the train, it was like they were trying to be the first up Space Mountain in Disneyland. However, this more subdued atmosphere could also be blamed on the weather – a white mistiness had descended on the area and our first glimpse of the falls was comically bad. You could barely make them out!

As we got closer the landscape began to emerge out of the mist and we were thankful for it – miles of immense waterfalls which cut through the green forests and crashed down cliffs. The views were less varied but more extensive than the Argentinean side, and equally beautiful. Even awful weather couldn’t take anything away from such an awe inspiring landscape. After taking a few hazy pictures and immersing ourselves in the wet sprays of the Devils Throat, the most violently powerful of the falls, we were soggy and pretty well acquainted with the place. Warmer climates beckoned and dreams of defrosting on the beach in Rio.

permalink written by  steve_stamp on August 31, 2009 from Foz do Iguacu, Brazil
from the travel blog: The art of being lost
tagged Rain, Water, Waterfalls, Wet and Cloud

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Less than a Week!

Baltimore, United States

Ahhh!!! Less than a week to go! I have started packing and getting everything organized. Some of the things necessary to bring for our trip....
Lots of Bug Spray!
Malaria Medication
Anti-Biotics (just in case)
Books Books Books! For the kids
Jacket (The Mountain Gets Cold)
Good Walking Shoes
Spanish language book

That is just a few of the over 10 suitcases we are packing. All full with school supplies, books! And anything else we may need while in Guatemala.

I started my anti-malarial medication in Monday. While in the city the Mosquitos aren't so bad, but while by the water and in Costa Rica it gets a little buggier.

I am also taking a prescription of cipro. It is an antibiotic for anyone to take if we were to get sick. We cannot drink the water while on Guatemala because it is not filtered like it is in the states. Interesting fact though, the same ingredients In cipro are also in tonic water. I have a microbiologist for a dad so I get to learn this stuff.

I post more as the day gets closer and closer!

permalink written by  gracegoestosantacruz on July 18, 2012 from Baltimore, United States
from the travel blog: Waves of Friendship helps Guatemala
tagged Water, Packing, Malaria, Week, Cipro and Tonic

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Not From Your Chopsticks, I Won't!

Beijing, China

Free taro! The hostel sells bottled water for 5 quai. The convenience stall just steps away sells the same for 3 quai. I'm accustomed to speaking Chinese when shopping so even though the people ther know sufficient English to sell to us White Ghost, they'll speak Chinese with me. The old lady gets a kick out of the fact that I can speak her language, so much so that this morning when buying my day's h2o supply she offered me pickled vegetables from her bowl with her chopsticks. Um... I waved the offering off. But then she offered me a whole, unbitten taro root. That I happily accepted with much gratitude. It was the size of an egg - a good sampling size. I like tubers.

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 25, 2013 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013
tagged Chinese, Water, Breakfast, Tuber and Taro

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Beauty in Peru

Urubamba, Peru

A beautiful afternoon in the mountains of Urubamba in Peru!

permalink written by  shareefabdou on March 14, 2017 from Urubamba, Peru
from the travel blog: Peru
tagged Water, Scenic and Mountains

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