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Dia 3:Mauthausen y Salzburg

Salzburg, Austria

Habíamos tomado la decisión de visitar éste día El Campo de concentración de Mauthausen. Aunque imaginábamos que ésta visita nos quitaría parte de la alegría acumulada, pienso que visitar este tipo de lugares merece la pena porque es una buena manera de darte cuenta de lo que fue la historia y de las cosas que jamás se deberían repetirse.

El camino hacia El Campo era precioso, bonitas praderas con casas austricas a los lados de la carretera, pero llegó un momento en el que las malas vibraciones comenzaron a sentirse, y poco despues habíamos llegado al campo.

Entre esculturas, placas en recuerdo a los fallecidos (7000 españoles murieron allí), y lugares y habitaciones donde tantas personas sufrieron, la mirada se nos perdía en el

horizonte. Sabíamos que alli algo muy malo había sucecido, pero siempre te sobrecogerá subir la escalera de la muerte, pasar delante de un crematorio, entrar a la camara de gas.

Solo te queda un pensamiento claro: Que nunca más vuelva a ocurrir.

De camino a Salzburgo, fuimos recuperando el animo, ayudados por el paisaje que se nos presentaba en el camino.
Por la noche, en una pequeña escapada nocturna de los tres machotes, pudimos intuir la belleza de Salzburgo y probamos el agradable sabor de sus zumos de cebada y Malta..

permalink written by  dasape86 on February 24, 2008 from Salzburg, Austria
from the travel blog: Austria
tagged Austria, Mauthausen, Salzburg and Salzburgo

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Saturday May 10 Touring Salzburg

Salzburg, Austria

Today, our host Rotary club arranged for a tour of the city of Salzburg, about 1 hour northeast of Schladming. A city indigenous to many salt mines and featuring strong Italian influence due to its trade history. The City, settled in 696 was formerly governed by Arch-Bishops. As each reigning Bishop changed they ordered a new church built, as a way to leave their own individual legacy, this small city of 150,000 features 109 churches. As you walk through the beautiful squares you are sure to hear bells ringing from anywhere around this city. For movie buffs this city is familiar as it is the city in The Sound of Music was filmed, which by the way, most Austrians have never seen the movie. For music aficionados the city’s fame is that of being the birthplace of Mozart.

permalink written by  GSE7190-1910 on May 10, 2008 from Salzburg, Austria
from the travel blog: D7190 GSE to GSE 1910
tagged Austria and Salzburg

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Salzburg - Mozart everywhere!!

Salzburg, Austria

Salzburg - a little town flooded with tourists (but not as flooded as Prague is, that was overflowing!!) mostly cos of 2 things: 1) as d birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (if u dont know who he is, do an online search!); 2) where "Sound Of Music" was shot. if u didnt knew that b4 going there, dont worry, u will know it once u reached. there's so many statues/pictures of Mozart that his image is now implanted in my mind permanently! everything seems to be related to Mozart. u even see an image of Mozart holding chocolates. Mozart selling chocolate!?????? my guess is he might not be too happy about it...

same as d locations for "Sound Of Music". there's soooo many different companies running tours to all d locations with detailed explanation of which scene was shot where. u probably would know if u are a big fan of d film. u can see some examples in here. d d locations looks nicer in d film i thought. but of cos coming fr this industry, they must have done a lot to make sure d place looks even better than it already did, with perfect lightings and all. maybe also cos when d film was shot, there wasnt as much tourists going to these places... but still, it was nice.

besides that, there's a shopping street with lots of elaborated shop signposts. some of them r very impressive i must say!

and of cos a castle, Festung Hohensalzburg. i've been to a number of castles or fotresses now but somehow i never got sick of them! maybe i will by d end of d trip... who knows...

we couldnt find a host here so we cut short our stay here n went to a hostel. after d Prague experience, we didnt really have confidence in hostels so decide to juz spend a night. but this 1 proves to be clean n safe. the hostel played "Sound Of Music" in d common room throughout d day. so if u r really bored or really LOVE d film, u know where to go.

we met a nice korean gal who is a fellow couchsurfer. she couldnt find a host here as well so came to d hostel too. we spent a long time talking about our CS experiences n only went to bed when we almost woke d whole room up (they were all her friends thank goodness). she left early in d morning but we are sure we will see each other on CS!

i always liked small towns cos it feels more cosy n intimate n less populated/crowded. but somehow i dont feel as much for this town than Bremen or Brugges. it is still a beautiful small town nevertheless so here's photos to prove it.

permalink written by  wangyng on May 14, 2008 from Salzburg, Austria
from the travel blog: Hello Europe!!
tagged Austria and Salzburg

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