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The hills are alive with the Sound of Music... well, underneath the snow

Our only stop in Austria was Salzburg, a town famous for being Mozart's birthplace and one of the greatest movies of all time, The Sound of Music. Yep thats right, the 1965 Musical starring Julie Andrews about the Von Trapp family who escaped the war. We had a look at the Abbey that Maria...

permalink written by  craigandcorrine on January 25, 2010 from Salzburg, Austria
from the travel blog: World Tour



permalink written by  ManosGeorgia on August 18, 2009 from Salzburg, Austria
from the travel blog: 2009 escape holidays!



permalink written by  alvaro84 on July 1, 2009 from Salzburg, Austria
from the travel blog: Alvarito por Europa 2009

Salzburg (Amber)

What an absolutly beautiful country austria is! We got up early (5 am) and caught the train from Vienna to Salzburg we each slept a little but I took some time to look out the window of the train to admire this beautiful country God created. the rolling hills and farmland touched here and there...

permalink written by  Trevor and Amber on June 3, 2009 from Salzburg, Austria
from the travel blog: Europe Trip

Salzburg - Mozart everywhere!!

Salzburg - a little town flooded with tourists (but not as flooded as Prague is, that was overflowing!!) mostly cos of 2 things: 1) as d birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (if u dont know who he is, do an online search!); 2) where "Sound Of Music" was shot. if u didnt knew that b4 going...

permalink written by  wangyng on May 14, 2008 from Salzburg, Austria
from the travel blog: Hello Europe!!

Saturday May 10 Touring Salzburg

Today, our host Rotary club arranged for a tour of the city of Salzburg, about 1 hour northeast of Schladming. A city indigenous to many salt mines and featuring strong Italian influence due to its trade history. The City, settled in 696 was formerly governed by Arch-Bishops. As each...

permalink written by  GSE7190-1910 on May 10, 2008 from Salzburg, Austria
from the travel blog: D7190 GSE to GSE 1910

Visit to Salzburg and the Lake District of Austria

We enjoyed a wonderful trip today thanks to our host Rotary club. They arranged for a large van and driver as well as 2 Rotarian guides to take us to the beautiful city of Salzburg which lies 1hour northeast of Schladming. We were then met by an English-speaking guide who took us on a walking...

permalink written by  Dr_Kim on May 10, 2008 from Salzburg, Austria
from the travel blog: Dr_Kim's Travel Blog

Dia 4: Salzburgo

Pese a las quejas de algunos, una mañana más nos despertamos temprano para poder ver con tranquilidad Salzburgo. Se nos presentó una ciudad mas pequeña que Viena, pero con mucho más encanto; calles peatonales, tiendillas, el rio, las montañas nevadas, el castillo... Recorrimos sus pequeñas...

permalink written by  dasape86 on February 25, 2008 from Salzburg, Austria
from the travel blog: Austria

Dia 3:Mauthausen y Salzburg

Habíamos tomado la decisión de visitar éste día El Campo de concentración de Mauthausen. Aunque imaginábamos que ésta visita nos quitaría parte de la alegría acumulada, pienso que visitar este tipo de lugares merece la pena porque es una buena manera de darte cuenta de lo que fue la historia y...

permalink written by  dasape86 on February 24, 2008 from Salzburg, Austria
from the travel blog: Austria

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