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Dá se to vlastně všechno shrnout jednou větou: Kde má přednost ten, kdo troubí, kde čas běží pozpátku, kde prach s hnilobou se snoubí na hromadách odpadků, kde vám číšník ze skleničky před očima upíjí, kde vám vrátí kousek svíčky, když nemají rupii, kde dopravu řídí krávy a nikdo...

permalink written by  ac on March 24, 2012 from Agra, India
from the travel blog: IndiaJourney

Taj Mahal

Tak už mám ve sbírce i jeden novodobý div světa. Navštívil jsem kdysi i jeden z těch klasických divů, ten jediný, co se dochoval, a teď tahle mešita. Je to tak, je to velká bílá mešita obklopená parkem. Pěkné. Prostředkem jde čára, osa souměrnosti, přesně severojižní, která je všude patrná, i...

permalink written by  ac on March 24, 2012 from Agra, India
from the travel blog: IndiaJourney

The pinnacle of India.......the Taj Mahal!

We were advised to pretty much get in & out of Agra as quick as possible as there's not that much to see other that the Taj Mahal. So that's exactly what we did. The Taj was very impressive, it felt a very magical place & definitely lived up to the hype.There was no way we were coming to...

permalink written by  mich_and_dan_moors on May 6, 2011 from Agra, India
from the travel blog: mich_and_dan_moors's Travel Blog

We finally made it to the Taj!

After finally working our way out of Jaipur we headed to the bus station to travel to Delhi via bus, then Delhi to Agra on the train. The bus journey was really horrible though and as well as being really late, it was a long lasting 7 hours on a small reclining seat with no leg room....

permalink written by  chrischarly on December 28, 2010 from Agra, India
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Indian Odyssey

El Taj Mahal

Sí, regresamos a India! Y como no, no podíamos dejar de visitar uno de los lugares más emblemáticos del país… Nos dejamos impresionar por el Taj Mahal, y es que en realidad impresiona y es igual de espectacular que en las fotos. Así que no nos enrollarnos más y esperamos que lo...

permalink written by  Paso a Paso on November 18, 2010 from Agra, India
from the travel blog: PASO A PASO

Taj Mahal

visite du Taj Mahal

permalink written by  cecile069 on October 6, 2010 from Agra, India
from the travel blog: tour du monde


Efter den sista, ansträngande föreläsningen i Thane packade vi våra väskor för att återigen ge oss iväg emot nya mål. Vi började med att ta lokaltåget in in till Mumbai där vi sov en natt, på ett hotell som efter Thane var lyxigare än nånsin. Det var rent, fräscht och fritt från äckligt saker...

permalink written by  vildros on March 28, 2010 from Agra, India
from the travel blog: Resor i Österled

The Taj Mahal

You can’t really visit India with out seeing the wonder that is ‘Taj mahal.’ From Jaipur I hopped on an over night bus to Agra, with help from Girish, of course… I managed to sleep a little…woke up and we’d arrived in the dark around 6am…with hope of catching the sunrise…after waking up...

permalink written by  willrob on February 24, 2010 from Agra, India
from the travel blog: Rob Williams 'a year in the making'

Day 10 -The Taj Ma-Holy crap!- (6/27/2009)

Oh.My.God. What a frickin awesome day. So I wake up in Delhi this morning around 4:00am shower and head to the train station to catch my 5:30am train to Agra. While on this short 3 hour journy I got kicked out of sitting on the two lower berths by an old Pakistani mother.... Retarded because...

permalink written by  Kennyboy12 on June 27, 2009 from Agra, India
from the travel blog: 2009 - Kenny Baldridge - "No Reservations"

Finally the Taj

After the second night's rooftop dinner we went looking for an off-licence again, because the restaurant beer prices were really high and, although it's a novelty drinking beer out of a tea-pot, it's not all that nice as it all foams up. After an extensive search we finally found a place...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on May 26, 2009 from Agra, India
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

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