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Death by Itinerary

Osaka is leaden grey and so is the Fancy airport terminal. Mercifully, there’s free wifi and a set of plugs to recharge the laptop and the phone. Hideously, my layover is 6 hours long. Mostly I walk laps down the terminal’s length, all the way down to Starbucks, then all the way back, past...

permalink written by  roel krabbendam on May 28, 2015 from Osaka, Japan
from the travel blog: Bhutan

네임드사다리 toto274 카톡 스포츠 기자 출신과 끝장토론

스포츠 기자 출신과 끝장토론 소름돋는 분석 스포츠 전문가와 블로그를 운영중이였는데 운영하다보니, 더좋은 루트를 이용하여 많은 픽알게되었습니다. 허나 이조건에 맞는 단톡방을 찾기 힘들엇죠~ 회원님과 더많은 픽을 알면 하루에 더많은 분들이 이득을 낼수잇을까해서 블로그를 다시개설합니다. 제가 드리고싶은말은 저의 단톡방에 들어오셔서 픽도공유하고 단톡방을 이쪽저쪽에 옮겨다니시는것보다 더혼란스럽기만하죠. 요점은 서로공유좀해서 확실히 매일같이 용돈벌이 같이...

permalink written by  meviusq1 on October 18, 2014 from Osaka, Japan
from the travel blog: 네임드사다리 toto274 카톡 스포츠 기자 출신과 끝장토론

네임드사다리 toto274 카톡 스포츠 기자 출신과 끝장토론

농구분석 ◎카톡toto274 문의!◎ nba 농구 분석 ▲카톡toto274 문의!▲ 여자 농구 분석 ※카톡toto274 문의!※ 남자 농구 분석 ☆카 톡toto274 문의!☆ 농구 토토 분석 ★카톡toto274 문의!★ 농구 경기 분석 문의! 여자 프로 농구 분석 문의! 농구 승 5 패 분석 문의!

permalink written by  meviusq1 on October 18, 2014 from Osaka, Japan
from the travel blog: meviusq1's Travel Blog

Industriestadt Osaka

Durch Sonnenbrände an Armen und im Gesicht geschwächt trampte ich mitten auf der Autobahn an letzter Raststätte weiter. Bisher hatte nur Max Glück, aber diesmal konnte ich eine Mitfahrgelegenheit abkassieren. Diese nahm uns tatsächlich den 3-4 Stundenweg nach Osaka mit und fuhren auh noch Umwege...

permalink written by  Chrizzy on August 4, 2010 from Osaka, Japan
from the travel blog: From Japan to Austria Island


Went to Osaka today, gotta see this city if you stay some time in the Kansai area. Started off at the Osaka Aquarium, right next to the Giant Ferris Wheel in the bay area. Lots of sharks, mantas and yes, people (well, its Saturday and all). The star of the audience is the young dolphin,...

permalink written by  JuergenS on July 24, 2010 from Osaka, Japan
from the travel blog: Two month of Japan

Gaijin House

When I arrived in Osaka on November 3rd it was 7am and really freakin' cold. Amazingly, no one was awake that morning except for me (and it was a holiday in Japan), so I had a hard time finding breakfast near the apartment where I'm staying. Finally found a McDonald's that served breakfast about...

permalink written by  milkita on December 1, 2009 from Osaka, Japan
from the travel blog: Kansai For Business and Pleasure


Ich denke, ich bin euch mal wieder schuldig, einen Blogeintrag zu schreiben, also lest: Ich bin nun seit 3 Tagen in Osaka. Und ich muss sagen, es ist eine Wahnsinnsstadt! Was auch immer man tuen moechte, es gibt hier ein ganzes Viertel fuer genau das! Z.b. Den-Den-Town, einem Viertel fuer...

permalink written by  Max on September 15, 2009 from Osaka, Japan
from the travel blog: Shikoku Radtour


Nur kurz ein Lebenszeichen. ;) Befinde mich in Osaka, der zweitgroessten Stadt Japans und wohne bei Tim, einem Taiwanesen der in Suedafrika aufgewachsen ist und jetzt hier eine Ausbildung zum Koch macht! Osaka ist wirklich durchgeknallt, dreckig und verwahrlost. Ganz anders als alles was ich...

permalink written by  Max on September 14, 2009 from Osaka, Japan
from the travel blog: Shikoku Radtour

Lagi Ke Osaka

jalan jalan aje

permalink written by  J-Fire_Man on March 15, 2009 from Osaka, Japan
from the travel blog: Jalan Jalan Di Tokyo

Hi, How do you do ! I've just started blog today!

Enjoy the Beautiful Autumn Colors! Now Kyoto is very beautiful view here and there! About three weeks from the middle of November to the beginning of December. Have you ever heard "momiji-gari", or "crimson leaf hunt"? Not hunting actually, but going to view the fall colors is very famous...

permalink written by  fluffy on November 20, 2008 from Osaka, Japan
from the travel blog: Enjoy Fabulous Experience in Kyoto ?

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