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Der Morgen startete mit einem kleinen Spaziergang im "native bush", einem der wenigen noch vorhandenen Urwälder Neuseelands. Danach ging es geradewegs Richtung Rotorua, wo man immer von einem leichten Schwefelgeruch begleitet wird. Der Grund ist eine thermisch hoch aktive Zone, in der...

permalink written by  hmm on October 4, 2013 from Rotorua, New Zealand
from the travel blog: HmM Neuseeland 2013


Hallo an alle :) es wurde lange nichts geschrieben und es ist auch entsprechend viel passiert! Wir haben den ganzen Norden der Norinsel bereits gesehen: (Norden gen Sueden) Cape Reinga, Kaitaia, Paihia, Kaikohe, Whangarei, Coromandel, Auckland (Selbstverstaendlich :)), Hamilton, Mt. Manganui...

permalink written by  annna93 on January 19, 2013 from Rotorua, New Zealand
from the travel blog: From the North Shore to the Bluff

Chris on a kayak!

We woke up to a nice day and made friends with our neighbours, Ian and Candy. Ian had a kayak and was keen into fishing, but he hadn’t EVER successfully landed a trout. Maybe it’s not just Chris! He went out for a paddle and when he returned offered Chris a go. He was in it in a shot and...

permalink written by  chrischarly on February 28, 2012 from Rotorua, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly Down Under

Thermally active town

We had a lazy morning before packing up and we moved out towards Rotorua which is a very thermally active area around a lovely lake. The town itself was very touristy but we did manage to find somewhere for Chris to get his head shaved. After this we went for a walk around a local park that...

permalink written by  chrischarly on February 27, 2012 from Rotorua, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly Down Under

Bunte Seen - heisser Dampf

Zwei Tage lang verbrachten wir dann mit Maori Kultur, kochenden Schwefelseen und blubberndem Matsch der manchmal meterweit hochflog.

permalink written by  Chrizzy on January 9, 2011 from Rotorua, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Australien und Neuseeland

heisser Boden

Hier in Rotorua dampftes ueberall. Kochende Mudpools undjede menge thermalische Aktivitaeten, Geisiere und so. Aber es war sooo teuer, sich sowas anzugucken, also waren wir zufrieden mit den Miniausfuehrungen, die wir so gefunden haben.

permalink written by  Alex & Magda on June 22, 2010 from Rotorua, New Zealand
from the travel blog: visiting the World

Back To Rotovegas

Monday 4th April On account of the fact saying goodbye is a bitch me and Ana decided to take our minds off it by heading to Rotorua to play in the white water because its pretty hard to concentrate on anything else when you're sliding over the edge of a 7 metre waterfall in a 4 metre raft....

permalink written by  Koala Bear on April 7, 2010 from Rotorua, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Tiny Little NZ Road Trip

Hangi, poi and the haka!

You can't really go to Rotorua without going to a Maori cultural show. They may be very put-on for the tourists, but it's probably the most accessible, best way of getting a taste of Maori culture (and food) in a short space of time. I opt for the Mitai show, held on tribe-owned land a ten...

permalink written by  LizIsHere on March 30, 2010 from Rotorua, New Zealand
from the travel blog: New Zealand & Australia 2010

mmm.. rotten eggs

You smell Rotorua before you see it. That's what they say and... well I smelt it and saw it pretty much simultaneously, so either the bus is very well insulated or my sense of smell is failing... On the way to Roto (as no one calls it?) we stop off at Taupo's Huka Falls, an amazing, roaring...

permalink written by  LizIsHere on March 27, 2010 from Rotorua, New Zealand
from the travel blog: New Zealand & Australia 2010

Whitianga to Rotorua

After leaving Phil and Laura's we drove to Whitianga in the Coromandel peninsula. We checked into our hostel which was about 25 metres from a very nice beach - we could see the water from our balcony. After dumping our stuff, we then drove to hot water beach. 2 hours either side of low tide,...

permalink written by  Tim and Em on March 22, 2010 from Rotorua, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Round half the world!

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