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Third Area: Bluefields, Nicaragua

Ha ha ha, so right now I am writing you in Bluefields, on the other side of Nicaragua, on the side of the Bluefield Bay. And it is pretty cool. My new compañero is Elder Jaime Aly Gaitán Palma. Elder Gaitán is from Costa Rica, he is the only member in his family and is a convert of 2...

permalink written by  Elder Jonathan Hardy on August 10, 2011 from Bluefields, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Nicaragua Managua South Mission

Nicaragua: De Isla Ometepe a Bluefields

Bien, llegar de Costa Rica (Playa Brasilito) a Nicaragua (Isla Ometepe), nos costó como 12 horas de viaje, entre 2 autobuses, de playa Brasilito a Liberia, y de Liberia a Peñas Blancas, llegar a lafrontera, hacer el papeleo de salida de Costa Rica, cruzar a pie el territorio de nadie, llegar a...

permalink written by  Paso a Paso on July 14, 2009 from Bluefields, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: PASO A PASO

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