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kanchanaburi, wir singen kanchanaburi, kanchanabuu-rii, wir singen kanchanabuuu-rii....

dieser Eintrag findet unter erschwerten Bedingungen statt: wir sind seit heut Nachmittag in Kanchanaburi angekommen (wenn ich das les, hör ich immer die Musik von guantanamera im Kopf...kaulquappensoooocken) und haben uns zum ersten mal ins backpackern-Viertel niedergelassen. dort sind wir grad...

permalink written by  MaxTheDay on October 9, 2012 from Kanchanaburi, Thailand
from the travel blog: MaTi in Südostasien

Kwai-joen sillalla

Leppoisa suunnittelemattomuus johti siihen että Ayuttahayasta Kanchanaburiin menevä minibussi oli jo lähtenyt kun kävimme sitä kyselemässä, joten siirryimmekin juna-asemalle ja päätimme suhata Bangkokin kautta. Kolmosluokan lippu oli yhtä halpa kuin tullessakin, mutta karjavaunu oli ääriään...

permalink written by  rosabella on June 11, 2012 from Kanchanaburi, Thailand
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa

El Puente sobre el Río Kwai

Conocíamos El Puente sobre el río Kwai, básicamente por el título de una película que ni siquiera habíamos visto. Así que decidimos acercarnos a Kanchanabury a unas 3 horas de Bangkok para ver de qué iba la historia. Nos acercamos al museo dedicado a las víctimas de la construcción del...

permalink written by  Paso a Paso on September 26, 2010 from Kanchanaburi, Thailand
from the travel blog: PASO A PASO


In need of respite, I jump at Brittany’s suggestion that we take a road trip to the countryside – to Kanchanaburi. The team consists of me, Brittany and Jessie (our new teacher at School who looks incredibly like my uncle Simon – Jessie is American, originally from Hong Kong). To get to...

permalink written by  Yee Ling Tang on September 18, 2010 from Kanchanaburi, Thailand
from the travel blog: the break

Just when we felt like we'd been here forever...

Our penultimate day at Moo Baan Dek. We planned to redecorate one of the classrooms with new activities, displays and our own special ISV touch, so we took a trip to Tesco Lotus to buy everything from alphabet posters and floor mats, skipping ropes, writing boards and stencils. Below is a...

permalink written by  lucy3119 on December 2, 2009 from Kanchanaburi, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand 2009

Sad goodbyes

Our last day at Moo Baan Dek! Just when we were really starting to feel like we belonged there, it was time to start saying our goodbyes. First, however, some of us set to work repainting some old ping pong tables while the others decorated a classroom. I don’t know quite what was in that...

permalink written by  lucy3119 on December 2, 2009 from Kanchanaburi, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand 2009

Doing it for the kids

Well, today was a relaxed day. In the morning, we tried our hand at bracelet weaving in the school's weaving room (weaving clothes is a skill that could earn some of the kids money later in life)...it's more tiring than it looks and takes forever! Well, for us novices, anyway. In the...

permalink written by  lucy3119 on December 1, 2009 from Kanchanaburi, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand 2009

A very busy day off

On our day off from teaching (well, I say teaching, it's really more keep-the-kids-entertained-so-they-don't-resort-to-terrorising-innocent-animals) project leader Claire took us on yet another whirlwind tour of Kanchanaburi district. We began with a very speedy longtail boat ride (they use the...

permalink written by  lucy3119 on December 1, 2009 from Kanchanaburi, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand 2009

Hot springs, Hellfire Pass and yet more waterfalls

We spent the morning at the Hindad Hot Springs, used mostly by locals for its health benefits. You have to spend a few minutes sitting in the cold River (while trying not to get swept away by the current) and then hop right into the hot (and when they say hot, they mean HOT!) springs. It...

permalink written by  lucy3119 on December 1, 2009 from Kanchanaburi, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand 2009


Back to work...we spent the morning teaching the kids their alphabet, giving them chalk so that they could practice by writing on the floor. We each worked with a two or three kids, but despite the individual attention some of the kids were soon off running around or napping in a corner...after...

permalink written by  lucy3119 on December 1, 2009 from Kanchanaburi, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand 2009

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