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Tag 21 - Copacabana

Nachdem der Phillip heute sich um halb 12 endlich zum Aufstehen bewegen liess, machten wir uns auf die Suche nach einem Lokal zum Fruehstuecken. Da in den meisten Lokalen die Speisen im Vergleich zu dem was wir von Bolivien gewohnt waren relativ teuer waren, dauerte es ein bisschen bis wir ein...

permalink written by  Fount on January 21, 2013 from Copacabana, Bolivia
from the travel blog: Von Buenos Aires bis nach Lima

Tag 20 - La Paz - Copacabana

Heute Morgen ging es erstmal darum die Rucksaecke zu packen. Bei mir war das schnell geschehen, Phillip brauchte allerdings eine Weile laenger und fluchte dabei ordentlich. Die Einkaufe vom vorherigen Tag unterzubringen war nicht ganz so leicht wie er sich das urspruenglich vorgestellt hatte. Am...

permalink written by  Fount on January 20, 2013 from Copacabana, Bolivia
from the travel blog: Von Buenos Aires bis nach Lima

Welcome to Bolivia!!!

3rd-4th Dec Again we must apoligise for our choice of hostels and hotels that promise wi-fi and they don't work!!! Because of this we have had to post three entries at once, so scroll down till you get to the bus trip and start from there. This is Rochelles nightmare and frustrations! Ahhhhh!!!...

permalink written by  Pete+Rochelle on December 7, 2010 from Copacabana, Bolivia
from the travel blog: Round the world!!!

En el lado boliviano del Titikaka

Llegue!! Cruce la frontera 10 minutos antes de que la cerraran!! Un colectivo hasta Copacabana, que esta a 8 kms. de la frontera, buscar hospedaje, cenar un poco y a descansar. Por la mañana subi hasta un mirador desde el que se ve todo el Pueblo y el lago, un paseo por el centro y, a...

permalink written by  Eka on December 1, 2009 from Copacabana, Bolivia
from the travel blog: Ekaren bidaia

Good Food in Bolivia!

I just wanted to leave Bolivia, but Joanne had been reading the guide book and Copacabana was going to be nice, apparently. At least is was at the border with Peru. Bolivia had been one of the countries we were most looking forward to, but I was feeling very negative about it now. Looking back...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on November 1, 2009 from Copacabana, Bolivia
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

Good Food in Bolivia!

I just wanted to leave Bolivia, but Joanne had been reading the guide book and Copacabana was going to be nice, apparently. At least is was at the border with Peru. Bolivia had been one of the countries we were most looking forward to, but I was feeling very negative about it now. Looking back...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on November 1, 2009 from Copacabana, Bolivia
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

International Border Dispute

Fun fact: Thanks to some silly embargo dating from the Bush administration, Bolivia now charges Americans $135 to visit their country. Fun fact #2: That´s not written in the Lonely Planet. So here´s how you do it if you´re ever in the neighborhood. First, you argue with the border guard...

permalink written by  Jason Kester on October 21, 2009 from Copacabana, Bolivia
from the travel blog: South!

Border Crossing

It´s time to leave Puno, and Peru. We hop on a bus to Copacabana, just on the other side of the Peru-Bolivia border. Once we get there we learn there is a change in policy to Americans entering Bolivia. The border guards politely ask for a $135 visa application fee and I politely decline....

permalink written by  paco on October 20, 2009 from Copacabana, Bolivia
from the travel blog: High-Altitude Peru

Arrequippa for some peace and quiet

Well, after some long-haired, large-mouthed Austraians recomended me to stay in this hostel in Arrequippa, I made it. Arrequippa is known as canyon country. Everyone in the United States thinks that the Grand Canyon is the largest in the world. Well, it is the widest, but not the deepest....

permalink written by  kipmaddog on September 30, 2009 from Copacabana, Bolivia
from the travel blog: adventures from down south

Copacabana Bolivia

Into Bolivia

permalink written by  wherearesteveandlisa on August 12, 2009 from Copacabana, Bolivia
from the travel blog: wherearesteveandlisa's Travel Blog

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