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La Bahía de Ha Long

En la Costa norte de Vietnam Miles de islas e islotes llenos de vegetación, emergen de forma caprichosa en aguas de color verde turquesa. Algunas tienen playas de arena blanca, otras esconden cuevas milenarias y otras simplemente forman parte de este espectáculo natural que es la Bahía de Ha...

permalink written by  Paso a Paso on November 6, 2010 from Cat Ba, Vietnam
from the travel blog: PASO A PASO

Beautiful Ha Long Bay

Halong Bay So we have reached one of the stand out highlights of the trip! Ever since the infamous Top Gear moment of drinking G&T's from a floating village while the sun was setting; we have been looking forward to this! Halong bay is a gorgeous area off the north east coast of Vietnam, it...

permalink written by  Michael Russell on July 5, 2009 from Cat Ba, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Escape from Blighty

Cat Ba Island

The morning we woke up on the boat, I took advantage of the fact they obviously don't check or clean out the furniture very often, to leave my first bookcrossing.com contribution: I left Paddy Clark ha ha ha in the drawer above the vodka bottle in the hope that another (English-speaking)...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on February 3, 2009 from Cat Ba, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

Un tour de mierda

Ay! Que ya nos han hecho el lío! ­Desde que decidimos venir a Halong Bay, todo ha sido una carrera de obstáculos para evitar la persecución de agencias de viajes, touroperadores y tiburones varios. En un alarde de cabezonería, nos hemos venido por nuestra cuenta, gastando bastante más en...

permalink written by  NuiM on December 5, 2008 from Cat Ba, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Un viaje por el sudeste asiático

halong bay

So on a lighter note from the hefty birthday meal we left early in the morning to go on a trip to what lonely planet makes out to be paradise, Halong Bay. We were picked up by the bus right in front of our hotel door, and once the bus was done fighting its way through the scooter filled...

permalink written by  ourindochina on January 7, 2008 from Cat Ba, Vietnam
from the travel blog: The Indo China Adventure (incl Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia)

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