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my life

Pulelehua again. It's nice. Freedom is nice too, comes when all emotions allowed to be expressed without hinderance.

permalink written by  napulelehuameae on March 16, 2008 from Eugene, United States
from the travel blog: My Life

A month

Ok, some things are happening. There was a switch today but I don't know as to how it will translate into the physical. I guess it may be more wonderful than I can imagine. That is what has happened before. And a couple months isn't a long time to wait, espeically when things move the way...

permalink written by  napulelehuameae on March 15, 2008 from Eugene, United States
from the travel blog: My Life

Bed and Breakfast

Grand things are happenings in the scheme of things, and I can feel a change. THings are happening with John. I can feel pains in my heart. I have figured out what is happening in Australia and what part my legitimate ancestors have played. How am I going to retrieve my truth...

permalink written by  napulelehuameae on March 14, 2008 from Eugene, United States
from the travel blog: My Life


I think to myself and I think "I would love to go to Europe and see Europe with John>" and then I think My emotions and I felt like I was HOME. I kinda had that with Ed, well now, why would I have that feeling with him. And then looking at Aaron has been very hard for me lately...

permalink written by  napulelehuameae on March 14, 2008 from Eugene, United States
from the travel blog: My Life


I forget John is mine, already. I have created him. I forget Ed is mine, I created him. I forgot Mario is mine, I have intended and created him. Have I created me>

permalink written by  napulelehuameae on March 10, 2008 from Eugene, United States
from the travel blog: My Life

We will make it through, through and me

Jon = Mario Ugh Remember. Now you do.

permalink written by  napulelehuameae on March 10, 2008 from Eugene, United States
from the travel blog: My Life


John is coming to see meeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JOY AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH

permalink written by  napulelehuameae on March 10, 2008 from Eugene, United States
from the travel blog: My Life

My Life Your Life

I don't care who you are. You are going to A) Understand Red Nation patterning, genetics so that you begin to honor yourself, your soul, the Earth, your home, your body, and everybody else (Reversal) B) Give Back unto those who you have taken from C) Go home eventually I have...

permalink written by  napulelehuameae on March 10, 2008 from Eugene, United States
from the travel blog: My Life


I guess this entry would be about my travels in ascension. I should start seeing things in a new light. I should be allowed my full expression and the expression of it, including whatever feeling I am feeling whenever I am feeling them. I should not allow myself to hold back. If I feel...

permalink written by  napulelehuameae on March 9, 2008 from Eugene, United States
from the travel blog: My Life


I need more light. How am I going to get it? Whenever I do, I falsely ascend. And the same things repeat again. I am afraid of the same things happening with John happening with Aaron. I can't have that happen again. That's what rising up out of the fear based patterning...

permalink written by  napulelehuameae on March 9, 2008 from Eugene, United States
from the travel blog: My Life

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