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Siem Reap - Direct from the Source.

I left Batdambang by boat. It was a lovely, slow ride on a longtail covered boat to Siem Reap. While it took 7 hours (leaving at 7 a.m.) it didn't seem that long with the changing scenery. Got to see lots of locals who live right on the river. I arrived in Siem Reap and with my dirty clothes...

permalink written by  Groovespook on August 18, 2009 from Siem Reap, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Nuttter's S.E. Asian Escapade

Viva Cambodia

Though we have only spent 3 days in Cambodia, I feel like I could write pages and pages on this place. It is an complex land, with complex people who have gone through incredibly tragic things in recent past. This is set side by side with the other-worldly beauty of Cambodia's ancient past -...

permalink written by  bhkann on July 13, 2009 from Siem Reap, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Ben's SE Asia Voyage

Totally Templed out...

Siem Reap is the setting for Cambodia most famous monument.. Angkor Wat, the series of temples build in the 14th century. The town has dveloped into a nice spot much in the way of Luang Prabang in Laos. There are nice coffee houses and patisseries as well as a nice vibe in the town itself with...

permalink written by  Michael Russell on June 13, 2009 from Siem Reap, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Escape from Blighty

Ma vision du Cambodge

Bonjour, J ecris un petit message pour vous expliquer pourquoi le Cambodge c est le chaos et pourquoi je parle de choc culturel. Je vais parler pour moi ici car il est possible et meme pas mal sur que Guillaume et moi ne voyons pas les choses ni ne les interpretons de la meme facon. Quand...

permalink written by  Guiless on May 31, 2009 from Siem Reap, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Asie du Sud Est par Isa et Guillaume

One dollar...You buy ok...one dollar...

***Ceci est le message que nous avions perdu...il fait donc reference au Cambodge, disons il y a 1 semaines de ca... *** Bonjour a tous! Tout va toujours tres bien ici! Nous avons passé les 3 derniers jours a visiter les temples de la region...vraiment tres bien! si tu veux regarder...

permalink written by  Guiless on May 30, 2009 from Siem Reap, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Asie du Sud Est par Isa et Guillaume

Atemberaubende Momente in Angkor Vat

Mit dem frueh aufstehen hat bei uns eigentlich ganz gut geklappt...bei Alex nicht so wirklich...der war gestern noch einen pichern, und war als er zurueck zum Guesthouse kam, ausgeschlossen. Irgendwann gegen 4:00 wurde er dann reingelassen, nachdem er die halbe Nacht vor dem Guesthouse gelegen...

permalink written by  ninandi on May 14, 2009 from Siem Reap, Cambodia
from the travel blog: ninandi's Travel Blog

Angkor Vat

Gestern abend haben wir Alex im Guesthouse kennengelernt, netter Kerl von 50 und/oder mehr aus Deutschland...wir haben uns ein wenig ueber Thailand und Cambodia unterhalten, er wohnt derzeit in Thailand und ist zum Urlaub in Siem Reap...somit hatten wir einen guten Fuehrer durch Siem Reap City,...

permalink written by  ninandi on May 13, 2009 from Siem Reap, Cambodia
from the travel blog: ninandi's Travel Blog

The Temples of Angkor

This part of the trip was really indescribable for me. Rachel has been talking up Angkor Wat since we have been planning this trip and it did not disappoint. Most of the temples were constructed at least 600 years ago by various Angkor Kings. Much like the Egyptian Pharoahs, the kings would...

permalink written by  zachel on April 25, 2009 from Siem Reap, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Zack and Rachel's Asian Chronicles

Mines and dust

Recently (April 2009) there has been fighting on the Cambodian Thai border as a months old standoff between the countries over the 900AD Preah Vihear temple has boiled over. I decided to travel by moped, with a guide, to the temple to get the layman's view of what this is about. We set off...

permalink written by  Trout58 on April 9, 2009 from Siem Reap, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Flashpoint: It's only a Temple!!


We arrived yesterday.

permalink written by  wherearesteveandlisa on April 2, 2009 from Siem Reap, Cambodia
from the travel blog: wherearesteveandlisa's Travel Blog

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