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6.Tag - Salta

Morgens im Bus aufgewacht, hat sich die Landschaft um uns herum deutlich veraendert. Es ist jetzt nicht mehr flach sondern huegelig, die Huegel sind mit Baeumen bewachsen und um uns herum estrecken sich nahezu endlose Waelder. In Salta angekommen sind wir zunaechst mal zum naechsten Hostel und...

permalink written by  Fount on January 6, 2013 from Salta, Argentina
from the travel blog: Von Buenos Aires bis nach Lima

Ready Salted

Considering Salta is smack bang in the middle of the North Argentinian desert, we weren`t expecting it to be so ridiculously green and pretty and lush. The main sight backpackers swarm there to see is this huge quarry thing of blood red rocks which are meant to be daaamnn impressive at sunset....

permalink written by  JodesAndTay on March 30, 2010 from Salta, Argentina
from the travel blog: Jodes and Tay escape to SA

Bienvenidos al norte

Salta comienza a tomar un estilo de vida diferente al del resto de Argentina. Es difícil de explicar pero el movimiento en las calles, la gente, …, de nuevo aparecieron los mercados que desde Colombia no veíamos… Para nosotros Salta fue una continuación de Cafayate ya que tarde o temprano,...

permalink written by  Paso a Paso on March 15, 2010 from Salta, Argentina
from the travel blog: PASO A PASO

Salta "la linda"

Llegue anoche. Un paseo por la plaza 9 de julio, cenar un poco y a la piltra. Hoy miercoles me he levantado prontito y me he ido a recorrer un poco el centro. Despues he subido en teleferico al Cerro de San Bernardo, desde donde se ve toda la ciudad. La tarde la he pasado con mas paseos y...

permalink written by  Eka on December 16, 2009 from Salta, Argentina
from the travel blog: Ekaren bidaia

Im Norden

Hier in Salta traf ich natürlich Silke (die ich aus Rottweil kenne) und Ricardo und ihre kleine Tochter Amanda . Der erste Tag war mit Museen und Ausstellungen ausgefüllt, die wieder hoch interessant waren. Am Abend gingen wir zum Essen in eine Pena, die nicht auf Show für Touristen ausgerichtet...

permalink written by  MarisolDelMonte on December 10, 2009 from Salta, Argentina
from the travel blog: Argentinien - Von Feuerland nach Jujuy



permalink written by  Andy and Frankie on November 10, 2009 from Salta, Argentina
from the travel blog: Team Frandrew Go Global

The beginning of the end: Argentina

IT was 2 more chaotic nights in the city of La Paz followed by a night bus ride. We rode through the night on a road made of dirt, with an old man snoring next to me and the sound of the tires hopping over rocks in the road. Noise and vibration made the night into a sleepless busride. Soon only...

permalink written by  kipmaddog on October 22, 2009 from Salta, Argentina
from the travel blog: adventures from down south

Horses and Hangovers

The morning after unlimited meat and wine we had the inevitable hangovers and I only managed a short walk into town to draw money, passing some unusual urban art under construction, before we were picked up to go horse riding. The barbecue had taken its toll, too, on Stephen, who was...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on October 15, 2009 from Salta, Argentina
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

Unlimited Meat and Red Wine

When our bus arrived in Salta, we obediently tipped the bag handler and reclaimed our bags, but I watched some people just after us refusing to tip him; I think they were saying that they had no money. He simply shrugged his shoulders, put the bags to one side, and continued with the next bag to...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on October 14, 2009 from Salta, Argentina
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon



permalink written by  jeandanielkeller on January 5, 2009 from Salta, Argentina
from the travel blog: jeandanielkeller's Travel Blog

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