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Fraser Island Trip

Letztes Wochenende gings nach Fraser Island. Nach zwei Einfuehrungsvideos gings mit 3 Jeeps zur Faehre und eine Stunden spaeter waren wir auf der groessten Sandinsel der Welt. Durch Waelder gings dann erst zum Central Point wo wir uns noch ein wenig mehr ueber die Insel informieren konnten. Dort...

permalink written by  Chrizzy on December 19, 2010 from Fraser Island, Australia
from the travel blog: Australien und Neuseeland

Fraser Island

I got up at the ungodly hour of 6.15 am to get ready for my pick-up for my Fraser Island Explorer tour. A fair few people had told me that it was better to do an overnight trip to the largest sand island in the world, but my bank balance told me otherwise and I was happy enough to get to see...

permalink written by  LizIsHere on August 22, 2010 from Fraser Island, Australia
from the travel blog: New Zealand & Australia 2010

Fraser Island Camping Trip

Brisbane 4-5-10 I spent my first day in Brisbane bopping around town mostly. Jana got me at the airport at 7 am and she had coffee for me, which made me very relieved because it was about 4pm on Monday my time. Needless to say, I am an addict and had a withdrawal headache by this time. It...

permalink written by  Clara Douglas on May 9, 2010 from Fraser Island, Australia
from the travel blog: Australian Adventure

Byron Bay to Fraser Island

We had to drag ourselves away from Byron Bay, as we really liked it there, but our next stop was Australia zoo, which was a 4 hour drive, so we were up and away bright and early (amazing I know!!). We weren't sure what to expect of the zoo, although lots of people had recommended it, but were...

permalink written by  Tim and Em on February 27, 2010 from Fraser Island, Australia
from the travel blog: Round half the world!


JOhier ists schönund so.... lalala sda sda sfsad fas dfsda f adf afdasd fasdf

permalink written by  Alex&Magda on August 27, 2009 from Fraser Island, Australia
from the travel blog: Australia 2009

Fraser Island

Auch Fraser Island hatten wir als Reiseziel vergessen, bis wir es auf der Karte vom Navi gesehen haben. Also sind wir auch hier wieder vom Highway abgefahren und in Richtung Hervey Bay, von wo aus man die Faehre auf die Insel nehmen kann. Wir haben 2 Naechte im Colonial Village YHA gebucht...

permalink written by  Alex & Magda on August 15, 2009 from Fraser Island, Australia
from the travel blog: visiting the World

Dag 46 - 47: Fraser Island

sightseeing, jeepkjøring, bading + + +

permalink written by  HikingViking on January 8, 2009 from Fraser Island, Australia
from the travel blog: World Tour 2008/09

Van Byron naar Byron (via Fraser en Stradbroke Isl)

Ik ben net een week weggeweest uit Byron en ben alweer terug! Toen ik vertrok naar Fraser vond ik het al jammer Byron te verlaten. Het weekend op Fraser was wel echt fantastisch! Fraser is het grootste zand-eiland ter wereld (123 km lang en 22km breed) en volgens de advertenties 'voted 5th...

permalink written by  Margreet Wiegers on September 18, 2008 from Fraser Island, Australia
from the travel blog: Margreets life Down Under!

Fraser Island

Hi there.. We went to Fraser Island on a 4x4 3day expedition 4 Jeeps with 44 people. The intention was to sleep in tents, However, I did not feel like it and therefore I decided to sleep on the roofrack of the car.. To cold therefore I went and sleep inside the car on a bench.. Same...

permalink written by  Kristian Kossen on September 10, 2008 from Fraser Island, Australia
from the travel blog: Trip around the world


Returned just the other day from a couple of nights camping on Fraser Island. Was absolutely beautiful, awesome to have a go with the 4 wheel drive along the beach and bumpy off road tracks, we were really lucky with the weather and we all knew each other in our group of 10 so had a fab time!...

permalink written by  H on January 20, 2008 from Fraser Island, Australia
from the travel blog: H - Seeing the world...

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