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Pianifichiamo l'avventura della nostra Luna di Miele

vediamo allora come tutti sapete il 26 settembre 2009 io e Sissi dopo 11 anni insieme ci sposiamo, vediamo ora come passeremo la nostra Luna di Miele

permalink written by  gondrand on August 27, 2009 from Roma, Italy
from the travel blog: Viaggio di Nozze Chicco e Sissi

Sondage pour un titre

On a quitté sans regret un Paris froid et gris. Notre escale à Rome s'éternise parce qu'on attend l'équipage d'Al Italia qui doit embarquer avec nous. Et pendant que les passagers italiens commencent à s'impatienter et faire preuve du caractère sanguin qui les caractérisent si bien (les hôtesses...

permalink written by  Anne & Sam on July 11, 2009 from Roma, Italy
from the travel blog: Sicilia, tre colore a la bocca



permalink written by  alvaro84 on May 23, 2009 from Roma, Italy
from the travel blog: Alvarito por Europa 2009


Where to begin? Well, I´ll start with last week. On Monday, I found some cheap tickets to Rome. Before I went home that day, myself and two others bought tickets and booked a hostel for three nights. Tuesday was spent packing. Wednesday, I had class all day and by 9pm I was in Rome! Thursday, we...

permalink written by  achavero on October 22, 2007 from Roma, Italy
from the travel blog: Amanda in Barcelona

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