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My stay with Jaume was amazing!! He was one of the best hosts I could possibly have imagined. He is a musician, a really talented one, and he even took on the daunting challenge of teaching me some notes on the piano and guitar. :D He also took me everywhere, showed me his favourite...

permalink written by  Brigid Jelsma on June 7, 2011 from Valencia, Spain
from the travel blog: Walk a little further to another plan


Nach einem Abendessen irgendwo im Nirgendwo, haben wir uns dazu entschlossen, uns Valencia nachts anzusehen. Erstens, weil zu der Zeit weniger los ist. Zweitens, weil es dann "nur" noch 28° warm ist. Valencia ist eine sehr beeindruckende Stadt mit vielen alten, aber wunderschönen...

permalink written by  finnhahn on July 13, 2010 from Valencia, Spain
from the travel blog: Spanien, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal, Frankreich und Belgien

Our day in Valencia

Our day was short in Valencia. We left barcelona a little later than we had hoped to. We got to the train station around 11 but the train wasn't until 2 and a 3 hour ride put us in Valencia about 530. We soon discovered that that day must have been a holiday, every church was packed with...

permalink written by  Trevor and Amber on May 12, 2009 from Valencia, Spain
from the travel blog: Europe Trip


Esto es la web de viajes de politesnicos.com

permalink written by  politesnicos on May 10, 2009 from Valencia, Spain
from the travel blog: Politésnicos en acción

Jumpping in Valencia

Why am I always out of sync with the others ?? Ok, let's do one without me... ... ahhh now that better !

permalink written by  Sly on May 2, 2009 from Valencia, Spain
from the travel blog: Jumping Around


It was a very very long (but not that tiring) trip to Valencia. We travelled some 10-11 hours one day, the rest 4h the next! But we got there! To the sun! To the Mediterranean!!! Okay here we have to list the negative things about Valencia (and Spain): 1) Toll roads. (applies also to...

permalink written by  ManosGeorgia on September 5, 2008 from Valencia, Spain
from the travel blog: Europe trip 2008

Day 17

We woke up and thought about all our friends back at Christmas Lake who would be busy decorating their docks and boats for the big 4th celebration. We were sorry to miss it, but found a little something to keep our minds off of what we were missing back home. Off to the Valencia aquarium...

permalink written by  pscossette on July 4, 2007 from Valencia, Spain
from the travel blog: The Cossette Family Sabbatical

Day 16 - America's Cup!

Today’s the day – quite possibly the final of the America’s Cup race between Alinghi, the Swiss boat, and New Zealand. I have been accused of organizing our Europe trip around this race, but nothing could be further from the truth, I just was in the right place at the right time….. A little...

permalink written by  pscossette on July 3, 2007 from Valencia, Spain
from the travel blog: The Cossette Family Sabbatical

Day 50

Drove from Barcelona to Valencia where we stopped for Paella, which was made and served by a woman who asked if Americans are like in the movies.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on September 19, 1987 from Valencia, Spain
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)

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