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11 - Tupiza

Wie im letzten Post erwaehnt haben wir noch nicht wirklich viel bolivianisches Geld. Von daher besteht heute Prioritaet uns ersteinmal mit Geld zu versorgen. Sind in die Stadtmitte gelaufen, wo zunaechst nur ein Automat der Banco Union stand, wie bereits in Villazon weigerte sich dieser Automat...

permalink written by  Fount on January 11, 2013 from Tupiza, Bolivia
from the travel blog: Von Buenos Aires bis nach Lima

10. Tag - Iruya - La Quiaca - Villazon - Tupiza

Nach dem Ausfstehen war meine erste Aktion meine Treckingschuhe, welche sich mittlerweile vollstaendig zerlegt hatten, in den Muell zu schmeissen. Phillip und Peter besorgten ein reichhaltiges Fruehstueck (Sandwiches mit Ei) und wir setzten uns damit auf die Terasse des Hostels. Dort...

permalink written by  Fount on January 10, 2013 from Tupiza, Bolivia
from the travel blog: Von Buenos Aires bis nach Lima

Never look a gift horse in the mouth- they bite!

Sat 11th-Mon 13th Dec Saturday we were up early to catch a seven hour bus to Tupiza which is located near the bottom of Bolivia. The bus was again terrible, with no leg space and if you dared put your seat back it pushed forward so you had even less room to move. There was no air con and it was...

permalink written by  Pete+Rochelle on December 19, 2010 from Tupiza, Bolivia
from the travel blog: Round the world!!!

What blog?

Hey everyone!! We are in the middle of what feels like no where. Internet is slow, shops close on Sundays, everywhere is walking distance... and no wifi. So again the blogs will back up. We are on a 3 day jeep ride tomorrow through the salt flats of Uyuni and will be Chile after that, so will...

permalink written by  Pete+Rochelle on December 14, 2010 from Tupiza, Bolivia
from the travel blog: Round the world!!!

Entramos a Bolivia!!!!

Se supone que desde Villazón debíamos tomar el tren que va directo a Uyuni, pero cuando llegamos a la terminal de trenes, ya no quedaban pasajes así que decidimos ir a hasta Tupiza, a mitad de camino. Por cierto, la razón de llegar hasta Uyuni era la de visitar el Salar más grande del mundo,...

permalink written by  Paso a Paso on March 24, 2010 from Tupiza, Bolivia
from the travel blog: PASO A PASO


The train journey to Tupiza was quite pleasant, with lots of nice, but dry, scenery on the way. This southern part of Bolivia is so dusty that we needed to keep the windows of the train shut to avoid getting grit in our mouths and eyes. Joanne was looking forward to leaving her contact lenses...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on October 18, 2009 from Tupiza, Bolivia
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon


Overnight bus to Tupiza

permalink written by  wherearesteveandlisa on August 26, 2009 from Tupiza, Bolivia
from the travel blog: wherearesteveandlisa's Travel Blog


Overnight bus to Tupiza

permalink written by  wherearesteveandlisa on August 26, 2009 from Tupiza, Bolivia
from the travel blog: wherearesteveandlisa's Travel Blog


We had planned to catch a train to Tupiza that night but the tickets were sold out and we were forced into yet another early start in order to catch the 6am bus the next morning. It was a no frills affair – the bus was filled with the frost of morning and people wearing an unreasonable amount of...

permalink written by  steve_stamp on August 6, 2009 from Tupiza, Bolivia
from the travel blog: The art of being lost

Sucre and Potosi, Bolivia

Sucre is an absolutely beautiful city and one that I could have stayed for weeks on end I think just to sit in the square and people watch. However, there isn´t a huge amount to report from my three days there as that´s about all I did! When I first arrived I took a taxi to the hostel that I...

permalink written by  veritykent on June 16, 2009 from Tupiza, Bolivia
from the travel blog: Up, up and away

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