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The Olgas

We couldn’t be bothered to wake up for Sunrise this morning but still got up early and went to Kata Tjuta which is still in the National Park and better known as the ‘Olgas’. We spent the morning walking around and exhausted ourselves once again before...

permalink written by  chrischarly on October 24, 2011 from Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly Down Under

The almighty Ayers Rock

After hitting ‘snooze’ to many times we did surprisingly get up at 4:45am and drove into Uluru to see the amazing Ayers Rock for Sunrise with a ton of other tourists. Although it is a rock, it’s still pretty impressive and thought we would make the most of our entry fee...

permalink written by  chrischarly on October 23, 2011 from Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly Down Under

The Red Centre - it's hot

I flew to Alice Springs on the 16th, to spend one night in the town before heading off on my three-day camping tour of the Red Centre on the 17th. Expecting hot weather, I donned shorts and t-shirt for flight. As we landed I peered outside, eager to see baking earth and blazing sun. Instead I...

permalink written by  LizIsHere on November 20, 2010 from Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia
from the travel blog: New Zealand & Australia 2010


Man hoert immer ueberall dass - egal wieviele bilder man schon von ihm gesehen hat - der Anblick vor Ort doch etwas ganz und total beeindruckend ist. Das fanden wir auch =) Trotzdem etwas aergerlich dass man "nur fuer den rock" so weit fahren muss. Erstma nach Alice Springs und...

permalink written by  Alex & Magda on April 23, 2010 from Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia
from the travel blog: visiting the World

Oak Valley and aboriginal dive in

Les moustiques attaquent au crépuscule, mais il y a une plaie diurne dont je ne vous ai pas encore parlé : ce sont les mouches. Elles ne piquent pas, elles bourdonnent vaguement, pourtant ça suffit à rendre fou. Elles cherchent l'humidité, et par 35°C à l'ombre, on en produit beaucoup :...

permalink written by  Anne & Sam on March 24, 2010 from Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia
from the travel blog: Australia, another step in Darwin's shoes


Nous y voilà. 6h du matin. Pas bien frais. Une valise refaite en vitesse pour partir 5 jours dans le bush. Et le truck de WayOutBack s'arrête devant notre hôtel miteux tandis que notre guide, lampe frontale sur la tête, saute de son cockpit pour nous accueillir et nous faire monter on...

permalink written by  Anne & Sam on March 21, 2010 from Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia
from the travel blog: Australia, another step in Darwin's shoes

long walk

up early and out to Uluru to see Sunrise on the Rock. ON the drive out to the Rock there was a face in the sky that was watching our progress as the sun was coming up. Due to the cloouds there was not much to the Sunrise, but before we left, the sun came out and was shing off the rock. We went...

permalink written by  hallanniem on November 20, 2009 from Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia
from the travel blog: Great Australian Fun Filled Expedition (my GAFFE)

Kata Tjula

up at 5am adn off the the Northern Territory Up the Stuart Hwy along the Simpson Desert. Lunch at our campsite then off to Kata Tjula. As we are driving to the heads, Keath is telling us about how much of a men's sacred place. It is so sacred that any Aboriginal women that came near it were...

permalink written by  hallanniem on November 19, 2009 from Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia
from the travel blog: Great Australian Fun Filled Expedition (my GAFFE)

Onwards to Kings Canyon - Night 130

Four am comes early when you fall asleep after midnight, though I felt very good as I slept like a log out under the stars. Similar to last night, the crowds were amassed at the sunrise viewing lot and sort of ruined the atmosphere. With a bit of leg work, one could get away for some solitude....

permalink written by  exumenius on February 17, 2008 from Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Uluru and Kata Tjuta - Night 129

Up at 4:30 to find that the group next to us was still up drinking in the warm desert night. I’m guessing it was a long drive south for them the next day. We drove straight through to our campground in Uluru/Kata Tjuta National Park; 8 hours through the undulating semi-desert terrain of the...

permalink written by  exumenius on February 16, 2008 from Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

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